Texas Alert!

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roy reali

New member
Check this out.


Have any of you guys in Texas ever seen one of these creatures? It doesn't look like an animal that would require too big of a round to kill. Maybe even a well placed .22 long rifle at close range would do.

If you ever saw a strange creature while hunting, would you shoot it?

roy reali

New member

Thanks. It did have a canine look to it.

I still have the same question.

You are out hunting and see a creature that you have never seen before. It looks like some sort of sci-fi thing. Would you shoot it?
All of them have been canids. I am amazed by the "experts" including vets that have been interviewed who claimed to not know what the animals were.

They were-are obviously canids, just naked.


New member
FWIW, all Gov't trappers in Texas are required to turn in blood samples on all canine animals they get. The testing is to make sure that they are a canine and not the legendary goat sucker. The samples are sent to California for testing- it's your tax dollars at work.


New member
Of course I would have shot it. The thing is obviously diseased, and either a feral dog of sorts or a coyote, since I choose not to accept the existence of legendary creatures.

under the circumstances, that thing was readily identifiable as either a pest a game species, and there was no possibility that it could have been mistaken for a protected species.

Maybge shooting it to put it out of its misery is wrong, but if it was invading human space, that settles the debate for me.

You know, we're not talking about finding my brother in law in the woods, and shooting him because he looked like bigfoot.

Chupas aren't protected, and I don't think that this coyote would have been, either.


New member
When you see one, you will believe.

I have seen hairless canine type creatures.

probably some sort of coydogs but didn't look like mange. I have seen mang-ee coyotes and dogs. these things were just hairless

Buzzard Bait

New member
be careful

watch out this area has also had reports of jackalopes. Sharp toothed high speed hit and run type critters known to strike fear in young deer hunters especially in the dark.


New member
never seen a jackalope, but jack rabbits are bad enough, used to catch them when I was a kid, when you do they'll mess you up


New member
Jackalopes are readily available in Wyoming and Montana. You see the trophies in most public places there. Strange critter. Head and body of a Jackrabbit but with antlers of a pronghorn. :D


New member
C'mon,,, didn't you ever believe in jackalopes?,,,,,

When I was a first grader I lived on Drummond Island off the upper peninsula of Michigan,,,
The only business/store/restaurant on the island was Soonie Buck's trading post,,,
It also had a bar and there were a few Jackalope heads on the wall,,
My dad and all the locals convinced me they existed,,,
But they only came out at night.

I can't tell you how many nights I sat up late with a flashlight,,,
Waiting for one of those critters to appear.

I had my Daisy BB gun,,,
I was going to get me one of those animals.


Uncle Buck

New member
I made two mistakes after viewing the video:

First: Said out loud "Sweetheart, That looks like your sister."

Second: Admitted I would probably shoot it on sight if it was comming out of one of our barns.
probably some sort of coydogs but didn't look like mange. I have seen mang-ee coyotes and dogs. these things were just hairless

Not all the "chupacabras" are completely hairless. You are right in that it may not be mange causing the loss of hair. There are a variety of factors that could cause such a condition. More than likely, most animals don't survive terribly long with such total hair loss and so seeing them live is a rare event. None that I have seen pictures of, either living or right after being shot, looked to be in very good health - nutrition and skin afflications being some of the more obvious problems.

The certainly are some sort of canid, but not a new species.


New member
Yes it needed to be shot.

But fact is it's just a sad creature unfit by its screwed up genitics to cope with the enviroment that did not survive. Nature is rather unforgiving that way................even of humans often times.
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