Testing site/lab/center/etc. for accuracy?


New member
Has any organization tested handguns for accuracy? I know it would be a daunting task, with all the guns, and different kinds of ammo, but has anyone ever tried to tie it down to a science and test center, like Consumers Report? Or is it simply impossible?..............ck


If you wanted to do it right, you'd have to check each gun with several types of ammunition.

It would be very time consuming and expensive. Once in awhile you'll see a Gun Digest book that contains something like that--or at least you used to--haven't bought any of them in awhile.


New member
There is a monthly publication: Gun Tests that I find entertaining. There is usually at least one article where 2-4 guns go head to head with different ammo, . . . and a conclusion is made about how well they seem suited both to each other, . . . and a general rating of each.

They have a www.gun-tests.com email address.

May God bless,