Testimonial for Lee Safety Prime?

Lost Sheep

New member
Does anyone have any first-hand experience with the Lee Safety Prime system they use on the current model of the Classic Turret press? How positive is the feeding?

I loaded on RCBS Jr and Rock Chucker pressses (with the primer feed tube you had to load up by hand and then manually operate on the press). Then I got a pair of Lee Pro 1000 progressives (which, in my ignorance of anything fancier than single-stage presses thought was the same as the Lee Turret). But I have always had trouble with the automatic primer feeding on those, especially gravity-feeding the last few primers. I have to constantly check the primer feed and that slows down my production tremendously.

A couple of weeks ago, I viewed a video of the Lee Classic Turret with Auto-Index and the "Lee Safety Prime" and saw that I could probably match my production speed (Turret vs Progressive) and do it more safely, too. But, I have never been able to see a close-up of the primer feed system to determine if it will be as sure-footed as I would require.

Does anyone have any testimony they would like to share?

Second question: Do other manufacturers than Lee make an auto-advancing turret press like the Lee Classic Turret? I am considering trading in one or both my progressives for a turret setup, if it would be as reliable as my single stage.

Lost Sheep


New member
The safety primes I have work fine. I have heard that some early ones got out with a too short spring and wouldn't work reliably. That problem seems to have been worked out.

I don't know of anyone that makes a auto advance turret similar to the Lee. If there is one out there I'm sure someone will come along.

Testimonial for Lee Safety Prime?
Does anyone have any first-hand experience with the Lee Safety Prime system they use on the current model of the Classic Turret press? How positive is the feeding?

I loaded on RCBS Jr and Rock Chucker pressses (with the primer feed tube you had to load up by hand and then manually operate on the press). Then I got a pair of Lee Pro 1000 progressives (which, in my ignorance of anything fancier than single-stage presses thought was the same as the Lee Turret). But I have always had trouble with the automatic primer feeding on those, especially gravity-feeding the last few primers. I have to constantly check the primer feed and that slows down my production tremendously.

A couple of weeks ago, I viewed a video of the Lee Classic Turret with Auto-Index and the "Lee Safety Prime" and saw that I could probably match my production speed (Turret vs Progressive) and do it more safely, too. But, I have never been able to see a close-up of the primer feed system to determine if it will be as sure-footed as I would require.

Does anyone have any testimony they would like to share?

Second question: Do other manufacturers than Lee make an auto-advancing turret press like the Lee Classic Turret? I am considering trading in one or both my progressives for a turret setup, if it would be as reliable as my single stage.

Lost Sheep


New member
I started reloading this past winter, the Lee kit I bought had the Safety Prime. I have had very few problems with it. Occasionally a primer will pop out, but that is probably my fault. I have both the small and large, they both work quite well. I have no other experience to compare them against, but they do fit my needs quite nicely.
It can be a little fiddly to adjust, but it works.

When I first got it, the only thing I could think of was "What a piece of crap."

That seemed to be born out in my first couple of attempts using it, but I finally figured out that the secret was using my thumb to activate it, not my index finger as I had been trying to do.

I still have the occasional issue with the primer skipping out of where it should be and having to chase it down, but overall it's not a bad little mechanism.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Mine works fine.

Sometimes the last primer (or two) doesn't want to feed and occasionally I've had the same problem as Mike, where a primer goes for a freedom ride. I'm not really sure what causes it. Seems to happen in "batches", none for a long time and then 2 or 3 out of 10. Could be my technique.

The press system as a whole is fantastic. I can't imagine why a newbie would start with anything else.

I've read that "super-ultra-uber-precision" ammo is beyond the tolerances of the Lee turret, but it easily produces ammo that is sub-MOA at 100 yards, and I haven't even really tried hard.


New member
Have used mine for 6 years and have no major issues, it will not feed the last 2 primers. Just put a few more in and it works fine. No issue, you can see if the primer is in correctly (not upside down) before bringing the ram down and priming a case.


New member
No problems with mine small learning curve and then simple maintenance, clean, tighten small screws and good to go.

lee n. field

New member
Then I got a pair of Lee Pro 1000 progressives (which, in my ignorance of anything fancier than single-stage presses thought was the same as the Lee Turret). But I have always had trouble with the automatic primer feeding on those, especially gravity-feeding the last few primers. I have to constantly check the primer feed and that slows down my production tremendously.

(Parenthetically, the Lee Pro can be made to work fairly well, even the primer feed.)

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
BTW, in the production realm, I have found that I can produce just short of 200 rounds of handgun ammo per hour. This assumes use of the Auto-Disk powder measure.


New member
About the same results here, Works fine, Occassionally have to chase down a primer that pops out, (usually when I get really cranking and going faster than the design will allow) Over all not bad, Could use a better return spring system to push the priming system out of the way after dropping the primer.

Dave R

New member

The last primer or two does not feed regularly. And once in a great while a primer mis-feeds. But it works 98% of the time as its supposed to. A little concentration on technique gets that even higher.


New member
I had to shim my safety primer up with a washer because it was mounted a bit low and was contacting the primer arm and caused it to drop primers. After the minor adjustment, it works well.

The LCT is a solid reliable press. The P1000 is still faster but it is finicky, quirky and needs to be kept fairly clean. - Phil