Test picture Tommygun

44 AMP


This is a test, I'm trying to figure out how to do pics like all you other guys.


New member
Picture worked fine!

Good looking gun, how's the reliability? (depending on how many rounds you've put through it)

I've been wanting one of those, but can't see what role it would fill other than "fun gun"


New member
Now THAT looks like a candidate for a over-folding (top-folding) stock.
I wonder why they never did it?
Have you read "The Gun that Made the 20's Roars" or Tracie Hill's Collector's Grade books on the TSMG? The Hill book is supposed to be amazing, but who would pay $80.+ for a book? Wm. Helmer is trying to get "The gun..." republished right now.
I've managed to resist the urge to ever handle a 27, so I wouldn't fall in love and not be able to shell out the cash to keep her.
I've read some stuff that indicates a Auto Ord. 1927A1 semi was around back in the day, as an SBR, but still semi-only. Not sure how true that is though. I like the A5 pistol most of all.


New member
I've read some stuff that indicates a Auto Ord. 1927A1 semi was around back in the day, as an SBR, but still semi-only.
Auto Ordinance was not around in the 1920s. Thompsons fire from an open bolt, so semi-auto is not an option.

The Auto Ordinance 1927A1 is a totally new firearm, designed (with plenty of input from BATF) so as to not be able to take any of the parts from the original Thompson. In effect, the Auto Ordinance rifle is a look-alike.
Before 82 there were a few o/b semi's, notably the M-10 (9/45) and M-11 (.380) pistols and carbines, the Interdynamics KG-9, etc.

I have read alot about "One Way" Thompsons, but one book (Written by TSMG expert) designates this a 1927, in use in the year 1933. He didn't say A-O, that was me. Nelson purchased one from his main armorer and was angry to find out he was right, this one was semi only. The gunsmith changed it over to auto or select. This guy Hyman Lebman, of San Antonio, supplied a lot of choppers that were smuggled back out of Mexico (perhaps it was made for export?). I don't understand why (if) a semi model would be available before NFA34. Spraying, or that ability there, was the selling point.

I don't believe everything I read however, will get to the bottom of this.

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It was bought used...

So I don't know how many rounds the original owner put through it. I have put about 600 rnds through it, and it has been "pretty" reliable, but not 100%. I have had 2 fail to feed with the stick mags (I think the same mag, but I haven't narrowed it down yet) The drum has proven to be very disappointing. I have only used it 3 times, and it has not worked right yet. All but 50 rnds have been reloads, most with 230gr LRN bullets, but some 200gr SWC and some 185gr JHP, all of which were just ammo I had loaded for other guns, not tailored for this one.

The gun is unbelievably heavy (it is the all steel version), and has a long heavy trigger pull, about as stiff as well done pasta. In spite of that, I have gotten 5 shot one hole groups at 25yds and I have been able to hit the 200 yard gong at the range using the ladder sight. The gun is very stiff to cock, and the drum requires the use of a "third hand" to remove it from the gun. My Daughter had trouble using it on her last visit, said "I can barely lift this!" I gave her the Viking answer, "Grow stronger!". She did, at least well enough to slam a few rounds into the 40 yd plate in the backyard.

This is a fun gun, not very practical because of its great weight and poor ergonomics, but it is a fun plinker. It is accurate, but difficult to shoot off hand (the weight) or from a bench (the shape), but these things can be overcome. As a display gun, a plinker, and the civilian legal version of a classic first generation SMG it is very nice. The SBR version would be even nicer, but the extra cost and the hassle of registration put it beyond my interest. This 1927A1 (deluxe) is just a semi-auto rifle (legally) the same as any other. It just looks BAAAAADDD! One of these days I'll get the violin case, and maybe the pinstripe suit, snap brim Fedora and spats to go with it.
