Terrorist squirrels rampage in England...

Zeke, I am sorry but I think you appear to be sensationalizing the whole series of events and jumping to conclusions based purely on supposition. There was only one squirrel and that squirrel acted alone. He had no known ties to any terrorist group nor did he make any claims of ties to any terrorist group. During times like these, it is important that we keep clear heads and correctly identify and deal with such situations. This sort of panic-based knee jerk reaction of calling this squirrel a terrorist and suggesting that he is associated with a group does nobody any good other than to promote fear to others of us who happen to deal with squirrels on a regular basis. Next, I suppose you will have developed squirrel profiles for use at airports. Have you ever searched squirrel luggage before? Trust me, it ain't pretty.

This was no highly organized squirrel terrorist cell, but instead appears to be the work of a loan squirrel. There are some things squirrels may do that are terrorizing to the victims, but that does not make them terrorists. This was just a violent rogue.:D


New member
Yep, gotta be careful about racial profiling them there squirrels....

Isn't self-defense against the law in England? They need to throw the book at old grandpa for premeditated murder.


Well...I'm shocked

I'm sure that this squirrel was maligned and the British people will certainly seek justice in this case. Imagine in their society, that ol ' grandpa didn't conform to Brit rule and just turn the other cheek or in this case turn his granddaughter's cheek again.
Then to just hunt the poor terrorist ...I mean terror filled squirrel to be hunted down like vermin......Brit rule cannot allow such individual vigilanteism, can they?
At the very least they must confiscate the old man's air gun since it proved to be a deadly weapon.
If the Brits let people like this old man loose, they might become more like us Americans? Now that's a fine fix, wouldn't it?


New member
Thsi is a great example....

why civilains should not act like LE.
If the TS could have been taken into custody it could have been questioned. Now we will never know what infomation COULD have been gained. I hope they will at least see if there are any incriminating documents in this TS's den if it can even be located.

I guess when the match-box car bombs start going off it'll be too late to do anything about it.

A missed opportunity for sure.



New member
this rather tongue-in-cheek article in the Sun need not be taken too seriously (like almost anything in the Sun). The Canadian grey squirrel is a pest here and classed as vermin but people will go on feeding them in towns so they lose all fear of people and can get rather aggressive if they don't get fed. I've had one approach me in London and start to climb up my trouser leg.
This old guy is probably undergunned with the 12 ft-lb air rifles which are legal here. And using it in a 'public place' is a no-no.


New member
I like the "lone" squirrel theory....But,maybe there was a Osama-Bin Squirrelen behind the scenes pulling all the strings!:p :D


New member
It's not the squirrel's fault. If the British government had just cared enough to raise the daily nut allowance, this need not happen.

Prevent squirrel attacks, raise taxes!