Terrorist Bumper Stickers

Jeff Thomas

New member
Well, I've not yet seen any bumper stickers telling the world what we think of these scum. But, I have a few ideas ... some tongue-in-cheek, and some, not ...

  1. Keep America Beautiful ... Kill a Terrorist
  2. Remember Flight 93!! ... NEVER Surrender Your Right or Means to Self Defense. RKBA!
  3. Wrap Osama in an Afghan
  4. Deport Arab Aliens NOW!
  5. Send Alec Baldwin to Afghanistan!!

    And so on. I'm not sure any of those are keepers, but ... what do you have in mind?

    Regards from AZ

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Homeland Security Office is a Terrorist Organization, too.

Domestic violations of our civil rights won't stop terrorism.

If we are at war with terrorists, why hasn't BATF been bombed yet?


New member
"If America is the Great Satan, then welcome to Hell!"

"Visit Afghanistan. Help a terrorist meet Allah!"

"Anyone who wants an instant ticket to Paradise, stand together on the bulls eye!"

"Allah says it's time for you to come to him. I'm here to help you get there."

"You took your best shot. Here comes ours."

"You had 4 planes with hundreds of passengers and thousands of pounds of fuel. We have hundreds of planes and thousands of tons of bombs. You do the math."

duck hunt

New member
The bumper stickers here serve as a nice reminder (both to citizens and terrorists) that the WTC attack was not the work of true Muslims.


New member
"Your 757 has killed more people, than my .45"

"Ban airplanes, for the children"

"I'd rather be shooting terrorists"

"If you can read this, you're not an Afghan woman"

"My other bomb is atomic"

"I [heart] my PaveLow"

"SEALs do it where there's water, canteens count"

"I'm the Taliban and NOBODY votes!"

"Taliban=student; America=teacher"

"Please move your donkey out of my tank's way"


New member
on a side note... what did Custer and His-Mama-bin-Layin have in common? Same Last Words, "...Where the hell did all these tomahawks come from?!"



New member
Oh, come on, guys. Don't let this one go. Alright, if you don't post some more, then I will (that ought to motivate you):

"If this helicopters rocking, don't come a-knocking"

"Keep on bombing"

"You can take my turban when you pry it from my cold, dead hands"

"My other jet is a B-2"

"Shi'ite happens"

"Ammo, jetfuel, or intelligence-no one rides for free"

"Be careful! F-18s are everywhere"

"Have you hugged your ground crew today?"


New member
So W and Never-bin-laiden get to talking about the war.

Never-bin-laiden says, "I had an encouraging dream last night, a message from Allah. It was of NYC, all demolished and destroyed, and overhead a banner was raised and it said, 'Welcome Osama!'"

W said, "well that was some dream, very simmilar to my own that i had last night. There was Afghanistan, with beautiful green grass, and lush farmland everywhere. In the cities there were tall buildings, gleaming in the sun. The people, busilly going about their business. There was too, a banner."

Never-bin-laiden said, "well... what did the banner say."

W replied, "dunno... i cant read Hebrew."
