Terrorism test


New member
To ensure we Americans never offend anyone - - - -
particularly fanatics intent on killing us - airport
screeners will not be allowed to profile
people. They will continue random searches of
80-year-old women, little kids, airline pilots with
proper identification, Secret Service agents who
are members of the President's security detail,
85-year old Congressmen with metal hips, and
Medal Of Honor winning former Governors.

Let's pause a moment and take the following test.

In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were
kidnapped and massacred by:
(a)Olga Corbutt
(b)Sitting Bull
(c)Arnold Schwartzeneger
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40

In 1979,the U.S. embassy in Iran was taken over by:
(c)A tour bus full of 80-year-old women
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40

In the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped
in Lebanon by:
(a)John Dillinger
(b)The King of Sweden
(c)The Boy Scouts
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40

In 1983, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut was blown
up by:
(a)A pizza delivery boy
(b)Crazed feminists complaining that being unable to
throw a grenade beyond its own burst radius was an
unfair and sexist requirement in basic training
(c)Geraldo Rivera making up for a slow news day
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40.

In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked,
and a 70 year old American passenger was murdered and
thrown overboard by:
(a)Striking members of the Seaman's Union
(b)Davy Jones
(c)The Little Mermaid
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40.

In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and
a U.S. Navy diver was murdered by:
(a)Captain Kid
(b)Charles Lindberg
(c)Mother Teresa
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40

In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by:
(a)Luca Brazzi, for not being given a part in
"Godfather 2"
(b)The Tooth Fairy
(c)Butch and Sundance who had a few sticks of
dynamite left over from the train job.
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40

In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed the first
time by:
(a)Billy Mitchell
(b)Grandma Moses
(c)Michael Jordan
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40

In 1998, the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were
bombed by:
(a)Mr. Rogers
(b)Hillary, to distract attention from Wild Bill's
women problems
(c)The World Wrestling Federation to promote its next
villain: "Mustapha the Merciless"
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40

On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked and destroyed
and thousands of people were killed by:
(a)Bugs Bunny, Wiley E. Coyote, Daffy Duck, and Elmer
(b)The Supreme Court of Florida trying to outdo their
hijacking of the 2000 presidential election
(c)Mr. Bean
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40

In 2002 the United States fought a war in Afghanistan
(a)The Republican Party
(b)The Lutheran Church
(c)The Emerald Isle Society
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40

In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and
murdered by:
(a)Bonny and Clyde
(b)Captain Kangaroo
(c)Billy Graham
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40

Hmmm . . . nope, no patterns anywhere to justify


New member
Well,this is more than a little bit slanted.

Who is kidnapping tourist in Colombia?

Who is blowing up cars in Sri Lanka?

Who is burning bulldozers,blowing up meat trucks,and setting fur farms on fire?

Those are three examples of non-muslim terrorist that are being ignored.

I personaly think that A.L.F. is a bigger threat than any islamic extremist will ever be.


New member
Members of PETA and greenpeace should also be classified as terrorists, if the US army doesn't have the manpower I'm sure they could get an army of hunters to do the job.


New member
Illuminatus,I see you're from Seattle.It's very sad that the people in your area don't think the same way you do.

Didn't the greenies in your area decide that trapping and hunting bears and cougars with hounds was "cruel"?So the people in rual Washington were not heard.


New member
HA HA HA.. excellent test Dfariswheel :)

When will people learn that criminal profiling (a technique used by the FBI for years)
and racial profiling are two different things.

Common sense and deductive reasoning is what determines a profile.
Funny how uncommon common sense is these days

Greg L

New member
I actually heard Paul Harvey read a version of this a week or so ago on his noon broadcast. Hopefully a few of the sheep were listening, probably not, but hopefully.



New member
I picked (d) for every question. Maybe you should make it a little harder and move the correct answer around a little to keep everyone guessing...:D You know something like this:

In 1979,the U.S. embassy in Iran was taken over by:
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
(c)A tour bus full of 80-year-old women

In the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped
in Lebanon by:
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40
(a)John Dillinger
(b)The King of Sweden
(c)The Boy Scouts

Huh!...whadayathink? Much harder that way, eh?


New member
I wish it were a laughing matter. Dfariswheel, great post and very imaginative. It's a shame but the truth is a bit less PC and a bit more profiling is in order, as long as it is business-like and professional and not mean in spirit.

Members of targeted groups for profiling should go along with it and not whine. It should be understood by them that some people they are associated with did a bad thing and the rest of us only want to get home to our families safely.

I do not see the majority of Moslems rooting out and turning over bad guys. Instead I see:
- Denial of responsibility.
- Dancing in the streets of the West Bank.
- Making excuses and creating a distinction between 'good' terrorism and 'bad' terrorism.

Well, Duhhhh....

(Patting myself on my back,) even I could answer all these questions correctly. Self congratulations aside, it's difficult to distinguish a Muslim extremist from a moderate and to go along racial lines, a Muslim Arab from a Christian Arab. For that matter, staying strictly along religious beliefs, how does one tell a Muslim from any other religion? Beside Arab Muslims, there's Indonesian, European, Asian and black-African Muslims. Woddabout the Englishman with explosive sneakers? Al Queda (sic) is international and I suppose the only valid test (which they can fudge on anyway) is to make every passenger rub their hands on a genuine pigskin football while chomping on a BLT. Hold the mayo on mine please.

With all due respects, I don't want to see us as a nation sink into a lynchmob mentality.

Brian Gibbons

New member
I thought it was a good post ...

I did get a couple questions wrong though. I blew the ones with "Hillary" and "Crazed Feminists" in the answers...


New member
In 2002 the United States fought a war in Afghanistan
(a)The Republican Party
(b)The Lutheran Church
(c)The Emerald Isle Society
(d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of
17 and 40

At d) do not forget: women, children and elderly muslim people with no connections to terrorism. Even americans kill innocent people.
I do not oppose to your right to be nationalistic and anti terroristic but please keep prejudice away. In 1995 I (scandinavian white male) spent some time in both Afghanistan and Pakistan (which I believe you have not) and I can assure you that most people there are as nice and peace loving as most americans I have met in the US.


New member
Whizz writes:

"At d) do not forget: women, children and elderly muslim people with no connections to terrorism. Even americans kill innocent people."

You are certainly entitled to your opinion - at least you are in this country. But, don't expect me to buy into that droning dribble. I, too have spent time in Pakistan and several other Islamic countries. And, I too have many friends there.

Please do not broad-brush portray American military methods as indiscriminent. It simply is not the case. Indiscriminent killing of "women, children and elderly" is what happens when a terrorist bomb goes off in a crowd.

It is unfortunately expected that within any military action there is the risk of unintended civilian death. American military policy goes to great length to try to eliminate this possibility. It is another thing altogether when a terrorist kills civilians by design.

Please do not insult me, and other Americans, from afar with your misguided, media-driven liberal revisionist history.


New member

If you feel insulted, well OK, you are entitled to feel that way too ...
I have not in any way inflicted that american military operations have been targeting civilians. I also know that the spilling of civilian lives is inevitable during certain military operations. Just do not pretend it has not happened or that it is a good thing.
Regarding your assumptions about my political views, you are entitled to whatever beliefs you wish.
I have done my part of the dirty work, have you??

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Oh, good, ANOTHER one. This topic has been done here a couple of times. No offense to the poster, as I'm sure you didn't know that, but we've been through this before.


Rather than do a bunch of typing, I'll just cut and paste the response I made back then:

Your quiz doesn't mention who planted car bombs all over California in the 1970's. It doesn't mention who bombed the Pentagon in the late '60's. It fails to point out who robbed banks and plotted to plant bombs in the Northwest in the 1980's (hint--they were trying to establish a "White Homeland") It fails to point out who blew up the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. It doesn't mention what the race and age of the nutso who sent mail bombs to a bunch of people in the 90's were.

Your joke doesn't take into account the fact that the most recent suicide bombing succeeded in part because Hezbollah got wise to profiling and sent a woman instead of a man. She didn't fit the profile and although there was security, she passed through it easily. Without a profile, her behavior might have given her away. (Yes, might is the operative word, but then profiling hardly offers certainty either.)

It also fails to take into account the case about a week and a half ago. A man in a U.S. airport sent his shoes through the scanner as the FAA now requires, and they set off the bomb sniffer. He was given back his shoes and told to wait for security. He bolted instead and was not caught. He is still loose. He did not fit your "pattern" or the "profile" of a young Arab male. It almost makes one wonder whether, had he fit the "profile," he would have been given his shoes after they tested positive for explosives?

I also wonder how your profile would deal with terrorists who don't fit the mold. Yes, yes, we all know the old saw about frisking blonde Norwegians. Well, how about clean-cut kids with sandy-brown hair and Southern Cal accents? Give John walker a bath and a haircut and that's all he is. How about Filipinos? There are a LOT of Muslim terrorists in the Philippines. There are more examples, but you get the idea.

Obviously the pattern is not as strong as the joke would imply. There's a tendency to treat an argument that is funny as a strong argument simply because it strikes a chord. I saw the humor in that one although I disagree with the premise, but you might be a bit more free with your imagination in the future. Being unable even to imagine that it is possible for anyone to hold a different point of view can be a dangerous way to live.

Profiling by race or religion takes away what little expert security we have from the vital job of looking for patterns of behavior that actually tag terrorists.
Caught red handed!

Coonan357, darn if you're not right and I'm guilty of being culturally insensitive. Forgot about the Jewish restriction against pork. Superduuuh. Scrub the football/bacon test but I still wouldn't mind a free BLT. ;)


New member
To Profile or Not to Profile

I think Dfariswheel is bringing to our attention the ridiculousness of the fact that the airport screeners are being told specifically not to target people who appear to be Muslim between the ages of 17 and 40, just because they appear to be Muslim. That is a little too much PC and lacking a lot of CS (Common Sense).

I am not Muslim, but I was sporting a beard and I appear to be in the age group being discussed when I was in an airport security line on a domestic trip awhile ago. I was singled out for extra scrutiny. While I admit it was a hassle, I have to admit that I understood that this was a necessary security measure with all that went on and is going on and could go on.

If we focus screening on Muslim appearances to the exclusion of everything else, we are fooling ourselves into a false sense of security. However to neglect giving that group an extra measure of scrutiny would be a crime. Again, the scrutiny should be professional, courteous and business-like.

And if the people under extra scrutiny feel bad, tough luck.

G-d Bless America.
