"Terror at the Mall" Documentary on HBO


New member
Just saw this film, it's about the attack at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya. Well worth watching. To recap; four terrorists armed with full-auto AKs and grenades executed a well planned attack on a mall just over a year ago. They held the mall for 49 hours and killed at least 67 people.

The film uses security camera footage, cell phone footage, news footage, and compelling interviews with survivors to describe the events. What really struck me was that the first group that had the courage to enter the mall and confront the terrorists consisted of four plain clothed police officers and two civilians who carried licensed side arms. They saved several lives while dozens of military and police officers stood frozen outside in fear and disorganization.

It is difficult to watch at times, but also a very real world look into a tactical nightmare.
Bah. Fiction.

Could not possibly have happened. Westgate malls are posted -- no guns allowed. This event obviously could not have taken place.


New member
The film is basically a long, drawn out gunfight that was caught on film. I thought it might be of interest here. Sorry if I was wrong.


New member
The US Malls I have been in, they would be lucky to find 67 people in the mall. Plenty of parking near the entrances.

Another good reason Malls ought to allow concealed carry. To save the manikins from extreme danger and harm.


New member
I've been to a mall in Nairobi, not Westgate. And I got lulled into what I now know to be a false sense of security because the mall was gated and guarded by men in uniform carrying rifles. Watch the movie if you can, it really is a study in what could happen here.


New member
I just finished watching it. Something that was very strange was that the terrorist were killing women & children but then out the blue they would allow a woman to leave with her kids. Then they would continue killing. It definitely caused me to think about my surroundings & potential exit strategies. I do carry but 7 rounds in a subcompact wouldn't stand a chance against 4 AKs. I would like to think that local police or gaurdsmen/military here would take charge much faster than 3-4 hours later. To the OP, yes I believe the true heroes were the first group of plain clothes officers & 2 civilians.


New member
Could not possibly have happened. Westgate malls are posted -- no guns allowed. This event obviously could not have taken place.

I do not know if this was written facetiously, but I have never seen firearms signs in shop windows in East Africa.
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