Terminology 101: basic understanding


New member
Any object can become a 'weapon', but is not described as such unless actually used as such.
(like sticking some BG in the cartoid with my BIC, ay?)

Continuous usage of the word "weapon" to describe "gun" is incorrect, unless said gun is being used as a weapon.
How about "deterrence device"? or even "gun"? LOL

Let me check in my macho-dictionario........

That said, my personal favorite weapon is my car.


New member
Actually, "guns" are the things they put on battleships, or wheel onto the battlefield. I believe firearm is the correct term. Otherwise, I agree.


New member
Angeldeville, I used the term "burner" in a previous post and was chastised by some of the sites english majors/literary experts (sarcasm). How dare you refer to a handgun as a "gat" or "gage".

P.S. They also disapproved of the use of the phrase "bust a cap".


New member
My pet peave would be the common use of abbreviations that are not widely used . The gun forums are full of them. Someone new to gun forums isn`t likely to know what the heck your talking about. And most of these abbreviations are totally made up by the person posting. BG(bad guy) is just one of many you will see. Anyone outside of gun forums is not likely to know what that means. But thats not a real good example, because it has been used a lot on the forums.For example: " I just bought the Ruger .22 at WWFXMAS"(Wally World for Christmas). Totally made up, you may have figured it out but most the time you`re left scratching your head wondering ,What? Watch for this , it`s very common on the gun forums for some reason.


New member
In the infantry my m4 is my weapon and the 240B mg is a gun. I always cringe when someone refers to there weapon or rifle as a gun


New member
I dislike referring to magazines as clips.

I usually call something by what it is, pistol, revolver, rifle, etc. but I also don't really mind if all of them were referred to as guns.


New member
Continuous usage of the word "weapon" to describe "gun" is incorrect, unless said gun is being used as a weapon. How about "deterrence device"? or even "gun"? LOL

Weapon is perfectly fine with me. So is gun. I also use revolver, automatic, autoloader, etc. Roscoe, gat, heater all have been used and are ok with me.


New member
Why don't we just call them shootin irons or hog legs?

Don't call them weapons unless you are actually engaged in trying to kill something. WESHOOT2 has not approved this term for indiscriminate use. Do you want to be hauled off in the middle of the night by jack booted english majors to a re-education camp!?

I hope my grammar, punctuation, terminology, and spelling are correct.
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New member
Mr. James

I have made a correction to my earlier post. I hope this will avoid another
re-education camp. I think I will sleep somewhere else tonight just incase.