Tennesseeans -- out of state CCW?


New member
Now, I just checked packing.org, and saw that TN don't welcome my Idaho CCW. Is there any way to apply for a temporary permit of some kind with the county (Washington) short of going through the whole long rigamorole? There's a good chance I'll be back staying with my folks again in East TN for a few months, and I was hoping to be able to (legally) hang on to my right to carry. At the same time, I don't know if it's worth it to shell out $100+, do MORE classes, etc., for a two month stay.

Or is the only answer "don't do it, or don't get caught"?


Dave P

New member
Lon, that's what I was thinking ,too. Kinda a round-about way, but at first blush it looks like it could work.

Kaylee, I think you need about $150 for the FLA liscense, tho.


New member


Tennessee recognizes CCWs from states with which it has Reciprocity Agreements. (FL, GA, etc.) It's automatic! If another state will agree to recognize ours, we'll recognize theirs! If your state (Idaho) does not recognize a TN CCW, neither will we recognize their's.

Therefor, get on your state legislature to enact a law which recognizes the CCW of any other state, just like it recognizes the driver's licenses of any other state.


New member

TN law is a little more strict than that. FL is like that, but not TN. Idaho recognizes all out of state permits, but it doesnt' meet the criterium TN has for permit issuance, whereas FL does.

I recommend getting a FL CCW anyway. It will help in your travels.


New member
Kaylee, Oleg got a FL CCW when he moved to TN. It was quite easy. Still have proof of your training from your Idaho CCW? That should work. You'd have to ask Oleg for more details.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
FL accepted MN training. Took 2.5 months, mainly because one of the training certificates lacked some info...else it would have been 1.5 months.


New member

It appears that packing.org has all of its references to Idaho's recognizing other states' CCLs as "unconfirmed", but it thinks Idaho does.

First thing I'd do is call the Idaho department in charge, and ask if Idaho recognizes TN permits. If it does, I'd call the appropriate Tennessee department and say "Idaho recognizes TN permits, so how about that good old reciprocity the 14th Amendment is all about?"

Won't hurt, but maybe you'd better mumble your name.... :D


New member
Blackhawk -- I know ID recognizes just about everybody's CCW. TN included.

Hrmm.. looks like I'll have to try calling up LE over there.. is the CCW at the county sheriff level, like it is out here? Last time I was there, I was told (at least in my neck of the woods) that local LEOs just pretty much let an out of state CCW pass with a wink and a nod, but I'd like to have a little more solid assurance than that.. :p

Thanks for the help, all!



New member
Dunno. Maybe a call to the Department of Safety where you're going to be visiting and schmooze your way to a "higher up" (be sure to write down the names!) to find out what the local policy is would be valuable. I know there's not supposed to be a "local" policy, but....

All this background research you're doing will help "pad" the file you're building showing your diligence and concern about complying with TN's laws. Just because I'm a bit cranky, I'd work in the facts that Idaho recognizes TN's CHLs and the 14A bit to whatever "higher up" you get on the telephone because they just might say something like "yeah, you're right" which you can use as an affirmative defense should you get hassled.

I don't live in TN, but maybe Tamara or some of the other TFLers who do can give you some better tips.

As for whether you walk both sides of the line and carry in TN, that's your call, but you're going to feel funny either way, especially since you don't really know your way around there. I absolutely hate being naked in strange places....


New member
Especially since you don't really know your way around there. I absolutely hate being naked in strange places....

I grew up in Appalachia darlin'.. still know it pretty well I tihnk, though these days there's more houses that I remember.
Just never had reason to learn all the weapons laws back then. Good advice though, thank you!



New member
I grew up in Appalachia darlin'.. still know it pretty well I tihnk, though these days there's more houses that I remember.
:D :D :D

When I leave town or go somewhere I haven't been in town for a month, I figure I don't know what's changed so I don't know "my way around" anymore. Sure, it's easier to get familiar with it than in a completely different place, but things change....

Best wishes to you! :)


New member
Here is the URL for the TN DOS, there you can find out what you want to know.
From my brief perusal, it doesn't seem to address Idaho CHL holders in Tennessee one way or the other....

But turnabout is fair play, and it does say:
Persons with valid Tennessee handgun carry permits should contact the reciprocity state for information on carrying handguns prior to entering the reciprocity state.
Since packing.org seems to think everything is okay but not confirmed, well....