Tennessee C&R Holders


New member
I am thinking about applying for my cash removal license better known as the BATF C&R license.

I just wanted to make sure I have this right.

I fill out the application, Form 5310 and I also fill out the Certification of Citizenship form.

My question is who is considered the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of Davidson County TN. Who should I call? Why does the name Wiggem keep coming to mind, I digress.

Anyhoo, I make a photocopy and send that to the above persons office at the same time I send the app forms to the ATF.

Do I need to send finger prints, DNA samples, Baby Pictures, Ex-
Girlfriends phone numbers or anything else besides the $30.00 fee?

Thanks for any help that may be offered. How long does this normally take assuming I am not a mass murderer or anything?



New member
One more thing.

Should I pursue this and get licensed I must keep a book of all my firearm transactions, dates, costs etc. and I open myself up to the possibility of BATF inspection of the collection listed in said book once a year.

Am I correct on this? What is a bound book? I mean I know what it is but I always hear the term keep records in a bound book and was wondering what the specific meaning in this case is.

Sorry for all the questions. Just figured their were a few crufflers here.



New member
Don't make more out of it that it actually is. Just fill out the form send it with $30 to the ATF.

Send the copy to your county sheriff, unless you live within a township's limits. In that case, you'd send it to the town police chief. Just highlight the parts on the form where it says to send it to the CLEO, put a cover letter in there that tells them to file it, and mail it. That's it, you've covered your obligation to send it to them and you don't care what they do with it.

The bound book is a must so that you can keep proper record of your firearms. You can purchase one from www.brownells.com (send them a copy of your C&R too, they offer FFL owners discounts on some stuff) or download sheets you can print out and keep in a looseleaf notebook. I just got a bound notebook from the stationary store and drew my own lines and columns.

Don't sweat the bound book inspection too much. Yea, they have the option of looking at your books, but they have to do it by appointment and it's not real likely they will. Even if they do, keep your records in order and you shouldn't have a problem.

The benefits outweigh the inconveniences by far.

These two boards have good C&R Q and A forums (and bound book downloads too):

