Tell us about your "closest call"......


New member
Few people in here have actually had to fire lead at another person, but with so many of us carrying handguns for self-defense, there should certainly be some good stories concerning the "almosts," and "close calls." I think hearing some of your experiences would vicariously help to increase my own awareness.

So tell me, friends - what happened?


New member
years ago when i still was living at my parents house i almost made a tragic mistake. parents and rest of the family were out of town, i was there alone. was awaken by someone pounding on the door in the middle of the night. there are 3 doors you had to go thru to actually get into the main part of the house, this pounding was on the 3rd door, so whoever it was was already past 2 doors. i grabbed my ppk/s and my heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest, i yelled at the top of my lungs "who is it?", got no reply, again i yelled it, no response, i drew my gun up towards the door and was about ready to unload when i yelled it again, this time i heard "open the door you idiot", it was my sister coming home earlier than was planned. i yelled at her for not responding to me and told her that she was nearly shot, it really freaked me out. i learned 2 things from that, 1 that if neccessary i am prepared to pull the trigger and 2 that i pray to God i will never have to. tragedys like that happen to often, im glad i decided to give whomever it was another chance to respond.


New member
I was in Arizona, and taking a class in a less-savory part of town. I was out for a stroll after dark around the hotel parking lot, trying to shake off the stiffness from sitting all day, and I noticed a young, shady-looking character was making a beeline for me. Since I didn't have an AZ CCW, I was carrying openly in a hip holster. As I turned to my left, so the guy caught a glimpse of the pistol and made a hasty change of direction and walked away.

Not terribly exciting, but I hope to heaven that that's the most excitement I ever have with respect to defensive firearm use.


New member
Tell us about your "closest call"

While delivering medical supplies to a customer in a Chicago housing project. I turned a corner and came to face with a BG. He started pulling a shotgun out of his pants so I drew my .38 and pointed it at his face, he turned and ran so I didn't have to shoot. I realize what a disadvantage I was at, I won't pull the trigger without thinking, the BG's will.



New member
Pulled a shotgun out of his pants!?

Was it this guy?



New member
When I was a teenager my best friend had been taking boxing lessons, and I guess he wanted to try out some of his new found boxing skills.

We were inside a garage. No one else was in the area. He asked me to throw a slow left at his head. After refusing several times, I finally did.

He came over my left with a hard right that knocked me flat on my back. As I struggled to my feet, I reached for my concealed .357, and emptied all six rounds into his head.

It took him awhile to get up, but when he did he promised me he would never do anything like that to me again. His wounds have healed and he's retired in Florida. We talk on the phone every month or so.


New member
I reached for my concealed .357, and emptied all six rounds into his head.
It took him awhile to get up, but when he did he promised me he would never do anything like that to me again. His wounds have healed and he's retired in Florida. We talk on the phone every month or so.



New member
I reached for my concealed .357, and emptied all six rounds into his head.

It took him awhile to get up, but when he did he promised me he would never do anything like that to me again. His wounds have healed and he's retired in Florida. We talk on the phone every month or so.

I think we found out something about those Florida voters in 2000! :D :D


New member
During the Viet Nam war

a GI got off a bus and was 15 feet away at the rear end of the bus when a Viet Cong shot him in the chest at point blank range with a handgun. Fortunately I was facing that way ... SHE (that's right) glanced at me just before she shot him in the head. We were the only white folks around ... I dove under the bus and quickly exited the otherside as she fired one shot at me. Within a few seconds a poiceman killed her. The GI also died on the spot.


New member
Ya know, chris in va, I really didn't want to post that. but as I began to write, the devil made me click on 'Submit Reply' It doesn't happen often!

My smilies don't work [Big Smile]


New member
I have had a lot of luck so far
This is one of them
Croatia summer 1995
I walk out of a bunker just because i feel like it...10 minutes later the bunker is hit twice by morter and a tankround
Everybody inside either dies or lie wounded
True story maybe wrong thread
I was 19
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New member
In my former life I was gunner on H-60 Sea Hawk helos in the Navy, While In Somila I took 3 Rounds 2 in my Vest and one hit my helmet and took off my boom mike. The Skinny took a Sh-t load of 7.62 for his mistake. Luckly only bruses and some cuts on my face.
As A cop in 97 had a BG shoot out my passanger side window one night while on patrol, with a bb gun dam drunk fools...


New member
I fougth in the Serbian Kraijna (today Croatia)
I have also done tours in Bosnia
and a tour in afghanistan
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New member
I was once target shooting along a county road in 1967. It was common to go outside of town, Las Vegas, in those days and shoot from the side of the road into the desert off Red Rock Rd.

One day a fellow and his wife stopped and he wanted her to shoot his 30-06, but she didn't want to. Finally, she relented and took the rifle that he had loaded, chambered, and placed in her hands. She pointed the rifle down range, all hunched back, trembling. Her husband was behind her and I was behind but well over to her right.

Well, she finally got tired of holding the gun up, and with her finger on the trigger, safety off, she lowered the rifle and turned way around to her husband, and said "I can't!"

The muzzle of the rifle was pointed at me quicker than you could blink an eye, and I watched her hands tighten up. I should have seen it coming, but didn't. Neither of them had a clue as to what had happened. He took the rifle and they were soon on their way. That was about as close a call as I'd had and I'd just returned from Viet Nam, where I'd served with the 1st Inf. Div!


New member
katzbalger: What the HELL do you mean???????? Poserwannabe?????

You my freind can stick it.
I fought in The First gulf war and Somila.
I was telling of one of my experinces. As you did.
Thank you and have a Great night.


New member
Close calls.

More than I care to remember, but I will share a few.

Was in Iraq this past year and had several good ones.

Coming back from Tal Afar we had a civilian vehicle weaving in and out of our convoy. After several shouts and honks we determined he was a threat and the gunner on our Humvee put about 20 rounds of BMG in his hood and engine.
He responded by detonating the car bomb he had been trucking about. Blew two doors off the Humvee. Put the driver and gunner in critical condition, broke my hand and wrist. (Still waiting for my Purple Heart on that one, by the by :mad: )

Going through Mosul we somehow ran into another convoy and our bright eyes battalion commander decides it would be cool to link up. We made a ripe target with 93 (that's right, 93) vehicles. The fire-fight lasted about forty minutes and netted me two broken fingers and some window shrapnel. Y'all may have seen that one on the news.

This one may be more on topic:
Was at the local mall a few months ago. December, I think. Suspicious looking group of teenagers makes a beeline toward my truck. I have a wife who at that time is eight months pregnant. I tried to leave quickly to avoid the situation completely, but wasn't fast enough. I didn't even wait to see what they wanted. As soon as I heard "hey, dude" I drew primary and backup.

In retrospect, I was probably wrong to do so without a better grasp of the situation. It did turn out later on that they were caught with some shoplifted goodies, but that may have been nothing to me. But hindsight is always 20/20, right?

I hope that, aside from my upcoming return to the big beach with no ocean, I never have to point a gun at another person ever again. Not afraid to, and not unwilling. Just don't like it.


New member
I've actually put lead in someone, but it's a long story that I'm not getting into.

As far as close calls go.

I got mugged at an ATM in Long Beach CA. We fought for a little, he pulled a knife, but I was better with mine than he was with his. Cops followed a blood trail for a few blocks before they lost it. As far as any of us knows, he never was admitted to an ER despite heavy bleeding. I had a gash on my forearm, but it was just enough to let me know I'm not invincable.

Then in Clovis NM, a neighbor was getting the crap beat out of him with a piece of pipe. I came out of the house and when I got closer, the other guy's friend came at me with a tire iron from behind. I pulled my 1911 and stopped him in his tracks about 10 feet from me. The guy that jumped my neighbor and put him in the hospital for a week ended up getting 6 months in jail. :rolleyes: It took me about 2 days to un-pucker from that one.

Then here in lovely Albuquerque I have gotten that "feeling" several times where I all of a sudden am compelled to get the hell out of the area pretty quickly. Since I live in one of the crappiest areas of town, I rarely walk out the door without my gun. And you just have to love the feeling of 4 or 5 people watching you pull money out of your pocket at a gas station in the middle of the night.

God, I've got to get out of this town.