Tell me I'm an imbecile

Sir William

New member
I had some time to think today over a cup of coffee with a friend. I have been thinking of purchasing a 3", blued, heavy barrel and round butt M10-8 in 38 Special. My friends and fellow shooters have convinced me to instead purchase a similar M13 in 357 Magnum. I trust them, value their opinion and decided that is what I am going to do. I already have a 2" M10-11 RB in 38 Special, a 3" SB, a 4" SB and a 5" SB all of these are pencil barrels in 38 Special. I don't feel like an imbecile.


New member

Sorry, no personal attacks on the forum, I cannot comply with your request! :cool:

Congrats in advance on your new gun.


New member
I don't understand what the problem is. You purchased a great gun that will shoot 357 as well as 38. Seems like you already had the model 10 catalog. My model 13 is one of my favorites. Regards 18DAI.

Sir William

New member
Thank you for your support! LOL My friends and I went shooting this week. We had to check and see which M10 belonged to which shooter, we all brought a couple! There were a couple of M64s on the table though. We were laughing about how all of us had at least two M10s. The odd thing is that we are all planning on buying M13s also. I imagine that is why we are friends.


New member
why an imbecile?

You can shoot .38s out of the .357 just fine; what's the problem? Think of it as getting the best of both worlds! You're not an imbecile, you're just a genius and didn't realize it :D



New member
Sir William:

It's only good to get the Model 13-if you are going to be totally satisfied with it?:confused: :barf:

On the other hand, it looks like up until now, you had preferred guns chambered in .38 special? In this case, I'd advise you to get the heavy barrel(3-inch)Model 10-as it doesn't matter how many .38 special revolvers you might own-because the main thing is for "You" to be happy! Let your friends pick the M13, if that's what they prefer? Besides, I'm sure that your friends won't mind you shooting "Their" M13's at the shooting range! It's your call!:eek:

Sir William

New member
I used to have a M65. I traded it to a fellow for a Colt M1908. What struck me is that I LIKE BLUE! I think I would enjoy a blue M13. It will fit right in with my M15 and M19. I still need a M18 to put a 22 rf into the S&W collection.

shoots awe lots

New member
I love it when my shooting buddies purchase a new firearm, that way I get to shoot it when I want and then they clean it for me, now you can't beat that.:D

Marko Kloos

New member
I used to pine for a plain 3" heavy barrel M13, until I realized that I carry all my Magnum K-frames with .38+P anyway. Then I bought a 3" heavy barrel M10, and I've been carrying it ever since.

No rings to scrub out of the chambers after shooting .38 Specials, and there's just something cool about that .38 Special-only M&P with the heavy just says, "I don't need to stinkin' Magnums to get the job done."

Both are fine guns, and almost identical, but I've come to really appreciate the .38 Special in the K-frames...the caliber and the frame size just go well together.


New member
Marko is right. If you carry and shoot .38 special mostly, why buy the magnum?

If it were me, however, I'd buy the M13 because I happen to like the ability to use .357 when needed. I've carried a model 19 in the past loaded with .38's and the speedloader full of 357's.

If you don't have a HB 3" model 10, go for it to expand your collection. If you'd like the extra magnum power, buy the M13 - both are terrific looking guns and fun to shoot.

Sir William

New member
I really liked my M65. I do like blued revolvers myself. I am thinking I really want the M13 to start with just because I enjoy the K frame, I prefer a 180 gr 357 Magnum JHP, I find round butts with Pachmayr grips comfortable and I already have 3" S&W K frame leather. I might also try to find a PC13 and then a 3" M10 HB RB for the range.

Jeff #111

New member
I own an old M&P with a six inch barrel. That is one great little shooter. I like the .357 magnums, but there is something to be said for the model 10 or even the COlt Official Police or Police Positive.



I had a 357, loved it, but there was always a spot in my heart for a plain .38.

I don't know, even if you have a 357, there is always a spot for a plain jane .38 any time :). But, the 357 is nothing to be ashamed about either.

Congrats on the new gun.
