Tell me about your CZ P-09


New member
The CZ P-09 appears to be the handgun for me. But, I have never seen one at a local gun store or gun show and the nearest range with one on its rental list is a 2 1/2 hour drive.

I am comfortable with DA/SA systems. I carried a Beretta 92 for years while in the service and have also owned a USP and a Sig P229. I also like frame mounted safeties. If I don't have a thumb rest then my thumb will migrate to the slide release.

So, tell me about your P-09. They seem to get consistently great reviews. It would be used for IDPA and home defense. How is CZ's customer service? How would it fit my smallish hands? The above autos were a little too big but am considering giving DA/SA another chance. My current full size auto is a Springfield XDm, which matches well with my hand size but does not have the safety. How do trigger reach and grip circumference compare between the two?

I look forward to responses and recommendations.



New member
I have average sized hands, I think. The P-09 fits me quite well. I get a lot of guff from the internet professionals about my grip. :)

It carries well in a High Noon Slide Guard holster;

Works equally well in a High Noon Close Encounter IWB rig.

Mine seems to be photogenic for some reason, such a ham.

25 yards with Golden Sabres, standing two hand.



New member
Had a bunch of pics, but I forgot TFL won't link to Photobucket for me anymore, no idea why, sorry.

Mine has had a bit of upgrading done, by the incredible guys at Cajun Gun Works.

The reset is incredible and the SA wonderful. I snapped a shot off from a 90 degree off target crouch, weak hand only, steel target at 25 yards, and hit it...and no, I never tried that again, knew I couldn't pull it off again. :D
It's an excellent pistol that CAN be concealed with some work and good rigs, and works as well on the street as it does for home defense.

Does that help?


New member
I had one for about a year. Very boring gun, it always works and is very accurate. It was just too easy to shoot, so I traded It for a Model 28. Then I traded that later on for a Model 57 so since I ended up with the Model 57 it was well worth it. But I did miss the boringly easy P09 so I bought a P07 a couple months ago and it's simply the best 9mm I've ever owned. I love it better than the P09, for me it's the perfect 9mm.


New member
If you have any intent whatsoever of concealing get the P07.

Also, my CZ 75 mags fit in the p07. I've heard mixed things about this.

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wild cat mccane

New member
The reset isn't great and the SA breaks at an undefined point. I found this extremely annoying. When I say reset is bad, it's not full forward, but it is pretty far forward.

Sights are great (not combat with large gaps).

Feel is great.

It's large.

I ended up selling it.

(I see we have two opinions on reset. I disagree and would say look at youtube. It resets at about the P30/92 level. Standard for DA/SA, but then take a look on youtube at the P99 AS DA/SA reset or even a Taurus 809. Massive difference.)

wild cat mccane

New member
Also know, the CZ P10C is coming very soon.

I expect the P09/P07 will have significant price reductions to clear inventory. You can already find the P-09 has returned to its once established 400 buck level on


New member
Also know, the CZ P10C is coming very soon.

CZ was at LGS factory shoot and had a bunch of their pistols including the P10-C. I tried the P10-C, PCR, and P07. All nice guns but I liked the PCR and P07 better than the P10-C and shot them both better. Not looking to get a P10-C but am looking to get a PCR.


New member
I had one and liked it a lot. A relative liked it so much that I gave it to him for Christmas. It fit our large hands well. It was accurate and reliable. I would gladly have another.


New member
I love my P-09 however for carry I find the P-07 to be a bit more comfortable and easier to conceal. Your best bet is to just get both :)


New member
My FDE p-09 is my second favorite pistol next to my 75. It's been bullet proof, and the good news is the nitride coating on the slide is simply awesome. I have the small grip on mine and it fits me perfectly. The trigger profile make the LOP seem almost perfect for me. It will hit the 100yd gong every shot almost like clockwork, the 200 yarder is another story my success rate goes down to around 50%.

Mine serves as my dedicated Home Defense pistol, it replaced my Sig p220 and I don't see it ever changing roles. It's such a great shooting pistol almost on par with my 75. It's just a great reliable gun...