Tell me about the Savage Model 25....


New member
Saw a Model 25 with laminated thumbhole in 204. Never heard of it. Odd looking action for a centerfire. When I picked it up I thought it was gonna be a 22 or 22 Mag. If I remember right it was between 350 and 400 bucks. Anyone have much experience with these?


New member
Savage has made that action since dirt was new, they used to call it the Model 40, and it was chambered in everything from 22 Hornet to 300 Savage. Now they put it in a newer design stock and feed it to their sycophants and they buy it. And the crowd goes wild!


New member
OK thanks guys. How about the accuracy? Do these live up to the latest Savage's that we all hear about? I don't think there has been a Model 10/12/110/112/116 etc. that has not shot less than MOA out of the box since firearms forums have been created.

Or is the Model 25 an attempt at a lower cost rifle, ala Rem 710/770???


New member
I was at the range next to a guy shooting a new one in .223. He loved it and it was very accurate. He kept talking about how pleased he was with it.