Tell me about the Para LDA's trigger?


New member
Last Saturday I was shown a 1911 style Para that had the lightest double action trigger I've ever felt, I don't understand how it's possible. On a DA gun the trigger pull has to cock the trigger so it seems that there should be a limit to how light the trigger pull can be without the pull being too long. So what's up with this gun? Does it use a light hammer, spring trick internal geometry's, what?
The LDA is a light double-action trigger. Quite light.

The other respondent's mention of Rube Goldberg is an unfair dismissal of the internal linkage necessary to put a double-action trigger into the 1911 platform. It's no more convoluted than a double action revolver mechanism. While some like to attack the device, I have never heard of a mechanical failure in it - in my own case I have had no problems with it.

Accurate, quality pistol - highly suitable for defensive carry.


New member
I simply do not comprehend taking the two most attractive features of the 1911 platform, the crisp SA trigger, and the simple design, and replacing them with a long, mushy,albeit light, triggger, and small, delicate, fragile parts.

And yes, I have seen more then one break.
As to why one would 'mess up' the 1911 - choice. If someone whats the SA and simple action, there are hordes of vendors to sell one to you. Para Ordinance can sell you one. But there are some who want a DA trigger - Para Ordinance has been selling them for some time now.

If the LDA trigger system is so bad, then I guess they like to loose money in warranty service. Then again, maybe they don't break all that often.

You've seen more than one break: What part or parts broke?


New member
I have seen two sears break, one linkage bar, and a miniature spring of some sort.

Dont even get me started on the "powrXtractor" debacle.


New member
this is what sticks out in my mind...

why dont more people make DA 1911's. i guess im of the opinion because it just wasnt meant to be made that way or more people would be doing it. but i struggle with wanting a tac four all the time for a ccw piece. but i see in most threads about the LDA that most say(from the searches i did) they would only use it for shooting and not protecting. and they are not comfortable with metal cast parts MIM..but that trigger pull is nice ill give them that


New member
replacing them with a long, mushy,albeit light, triggger, and small, delicate, fragile parts.

The trigger on the one I handled was not mushy at all. It was long yes but very light and very clean feeling very very smooth.

Still no one has told me how they managed to make their double action that much lighter then DA in other guns.


New member
I had a Para 7.45 LDA single stack. It was superbly accurate, and the sweetest trigger I ever squeezed. In fact I can say it was the most accurate pistol, I've ever shot. It was also unreliable, and started coming apart, and wearing badly, at two months use. I sold it at a loss, and won't be buying another. But I'm still searching for a DA/SA, or DAO, with as nice a trigger, and tack driving accuracy. Regards 18DAI.


New member
Still no one has told me how they managed to make their double action that much lighter then DA in other guns.

Becuase the gun is not a true DA weapon. The system it uses is very similar to the Daewoo system, or that of the FN Hi-Power SFS system. In reality, the LDA is carried cocked and locked, just like any normal SA 1911, only the visible portion of the hammer is lowered. All the trigger does in that first seven feet of trigger pull is bring the hammer back to where it is suppoesd to be anyway. Basically, the system adds a bunch of complicated steps to a very simple process, adding nothing o the 1911 platform but complexity.

The Body Bagger

New member
Another with a bad experience with the LDA. Great shooting when it was working. Not suitable for defensive carry after having two sears break on mine. Good idea for range fun, but not for the defensive minded.


My buddy has one. Pretty darn accurate, pretty sweet trigger. It's had multiple problems and been back a few times. Safety problems, trigger problems. I don't like them because of the ongoing problems. I can see a pistol having to be sent back once for a QC slip, but multiple repeat problems indicate a design flaw.
Axion, you might post your question over on the in the Para Ordinance section - many actual owners there, including a factory rep. Come to think of it, I believe there is a 'sticky' on just how the LDA system works.


New member
Thanks I'll check that out.

Ok so I checked it out. Seems that this is in all truth nothing more then a single action with a really long trigger. What's the point. I can see making a DA 1911 for those who really prefer that trigger style, but this isn't even a real DA.

G. Wedge

New member
The LDA is a rather unique system, so I can understand why it is that some do not understand the concept, nor it's application in the 1911 platform.
The trigger pull is actually .300 inches, but given the extremely misleading information provided, I would imagine that the 7 foot pull statement comes from the same place as the other incorrect information.
I think the accurate feedback provided by actual Para owners speaks volumes and should provide you with concise information.

Should you have any further questions concerning the LDA, please feel free to contact me directly.




New member
No one better to make positive statements than those who make their living from selling them.

Regardless, greetings to the board.


New member

I'm not positive but I think the reason we don't see more double-action 1911's is that they would have to be much thicker than the single action 1911's - the 1911 is a pretty slim gun.

Para solves the thickness problem with their LDA.

BTW, I tried the trigger on one at a gunshop (Turners Outdoorsman) - they let me dry fire it - it seemed like a hair trigger single action to me. Not much take in that one I checked out - actually not enough for me.

I'll stick with my P-12 (even tho it FTF ALOT with the factory mag's)!


New member
Regardless of your opinion of the LDA, or Para Ord, kudo's to Mr. Wedge for coming on, and posting his Email, on a public gunboard. I can't recall anyone, from any firearms company, doing that. I can think of several who should. Regards 18DAI.