Tell me about the magical properties of the 45 and 357 magnum.

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New member
We all know that a 45LC or 45ACP will stop a hard charging rhinoceros in his
tracks. A 45 is only slightly smaller in diameter than a 50 BMG, don't you
know, and much bigger than a 30-06.

And we all know that a 357 magnum shot at a perp's pinky will spin him
around and cause his eyes to pop out of their sockets from hydro-shock.

So, what are some of the special properties (powers?) of your favorite
handgun cartridges?


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Well, the 45acp also does 3D6 of damage. You forgot to include that part. And the .357 enjoys the added +9 fire damage from the muzzle blast.

Of course, dragons and werewolves are immune to fire spells, but yetis and zombies take double damage due to their weakness to fire.:p


New member
I once killed a sasquatch with my Sigma .40 S&W.
True story.

Did you knock him down on the first shot? Did he go flying? What was
the hang time and distance? Did you need a follow up shot? Probably not.

Did his chest cavity blow up? Are did you blow him to smitherines?


New member
Saab1911 said:
Did you knock him down on the first shot? Did he go flying? What was
the hang time and distance? Did you need a follow up shot? Probably not.

Did his chest cavity blow up? Are did you blow him to smitherines?

It took two rounds to down him, but that's only because it's hard to be accurate while skiing down the side of a mountain...backwards.


New member
Well, the 45acp also does 3D6 of damage. You forgot to include that part. And the .357 enjoys the added +9 fire damage from the muzzle blast.

Of course, dragons and werewolves are immune to fire spells, but yetis and zombies take double damage due to their weakness to fire.

I have the Archaic Charm of Presence mounted on the Picatinny rail of
all my magical weapons such as my 1911, 686 and CZ-75.


New member
.357 - Knockdown and Propulsion

So, as you ski backwards, firing at the Sasquatch, no doubt the additional propulsion from the .hot .357 round allowed you to break the world downhill speed record. The slower .45 could never do that.

However, the .45 has the not-so-subtle advantage of sufficient power to take a head clean off. The BGs really think twice when you shoot their pal's head clean off, pick it up, and ask them to hold it while you aim at their necks.

Still, i go for the backwards skiing speed record myself.

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New member
So, as you ski backwards, firing at the Sasquatch, no doubt the additional propulsion from the .hot .357 round allowed you to break the world downhill speed record. The slower .45 could never do that.

That reminds me. If you're on a roof of a building and you see a BG
somewhere below you, you can do a cool Chow Yun Fat move with your
357 magnum pistol. You can jump off the roof, aim at the BG and shoot.

The 357 magnum recoil acts like descent rocket to slow you down for
a feathery soft landing on the puddle of goo that used to be the BG.
But be careful now. Only shoot once, maybe two times. You don't want
to be going into orbit on an empty stomach.

Way cool. Try it the next time you're out shopping with the family.




New member
Daugherty16 said:
So, as you ski backwards, firing at the Sasquatch, no doubt the additional propulsion from the .hot .357 round allowed you to break the world downhill speed record. The slower .45 could never do that.

However, the .45 has the not-so-subtle advantage of sufficient power to take a head clean off. The BGs really think twice when you shoot their pal's head clean off, pick it up, and ask them to hold it while you aim at their necks.

Still, i go for the backwards skiing speed record myself.

Join the NRA and give organized support to the 2nd Amendment.

No, was a .40 S&W.


New member
However, the .45 has the not-so-subtle advantage of sufficient power to take a head clean off.

No sir. Taking a perp's head clean off is the specialty of the 44 magnum.
45 ACP will leave the perp only nearly headless, just hanging on for dear
life by a flap of skin. But the head won't be blown clean off.


New member
Woe is me...

You see, my favorite cartridge "doesn't do anything the .44 magnum can't do better" ... and guns for it "are heavier, bulkier and thus harder to shoot as well as a .357 Magnum."

Plus it's "ungodly expensive ammo", it has "a poor selection of ammo", it's a "niche round" and (for the last 20 years) "on the verge of being discontinued."


There is not much lore about the .41 Magnum spinning people around or bullets sucking their belly-buttons out thier backbones, but the round does have sufficent power to plow through 21 inches of bear. Performance on pigs is excellent too. And with the original Remington 210 JSP loads or hardcast LSWC, most modern automobiles are merely concealment, not cover.


New member
I never said it was a large sasquatch....

"I think not!" was meant for the "Short & Weak" pejorative and not to your
well known exploits which are credible and well documented in the hallowed
pages of Guns & Ammo.


New member
There is not much lore about the .41 Magnum spinning people around or bullets sucking their belly-buttons out thier backbones,

No sir, .41 Magnum has its own lore, even one which relates to belly buttons.

A .41 Magnum has been known to turn an outy into an inny. Yes sir!

Edit: And what's the venerable .41 magnum revolver lying on, your Gran-Gran's quilt? Tsk Tsk.
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Edit: And what's the venerable .41 magnum lying on, your Gran-Gran's quilt? Tsk Tsk.

That's a mexican sarape, one that Clint himself used in A Fistful of Dead Guys That I Shot With My M29.

You insolent curr. Now apologize to my mule.:p


New member
However, the .45 has the not-so-subtle advantage of sufficient power to take a head clean off.
No sir. Taking a perp's head clean off is the specialty of the 44 magnum.
45 ACP will leave the perp only nearly headless, just hanging on for dear
life by a flap of skin. But the head won't be blown clean off.

Is it true there's a spot in a man's head that if you shoot it, his head will explode?

Have you ever shot two guns whilst jumping in the air?

Have you ever shot one gun whilst jumping in the air?

Have you ever shot your gun into the air and yelled, "ARRRRRRR!"?


New member
You insolent curr. Now apologize to my mule.

He Haw Hee Haaaw Whoooo

Does that do it for you?

And until you told me, I didn't realize BillCA was a mule or even that he belonged to you. :confused:

vox rationis

New member

I once shot a Yeti with a 45ACP, and the round stopped, slapped the Yeti a few times, and kicked it in the nuts before knocking it back about 30 feet.
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