Tell me about the Kahr K40.


New member
My hardline stance against the 10mm kurz cartridge is begining to soften!! :eek: I am pretty sure that when I decide to make the jump, the K40 will get the nod!! My FFL has one NIB in his case for $500. (499.99, but whaddya want, he's Jewish!! :D ) This is about $80 below the current MSRP for the pistol!! How good is the K40?? If it is anything like my MK9, then I do not think I will have anything to worry about, but I just want to make sure!!! ;)

Eric Larsen

New member
Ok...I really tried to wait for other replies first...:rolleyes:

The K series 40 one of the best Kahrs made if not the best.
You shouldnt find any of the asthetic problems brought up with previous posts on Kahrs...K?

Its the perfect size to carry and shoot. The grip is one of the few that my PAWS like (read...large hands) and my massive 8 year old, all 60#s of him, can grip and shoot very well.
Its a great gun for ergonomics.

Every K40 Ive shot..we have 3 in our immediate family has functioned flawlessly..combined total of around 12K rounds last count. They are a tad recoil intensive but what smaller 40 isnt? The full grip and weight help make followup shots fairly quick. I double tap with mine as fast and accurately as my buddy does with his 229 just for reference.

The springs in the gun are very strong as they have to be. Expect the recoil springs to go south every 600-800 rnds and I replace mine with Wolff 23# recoils...they seem to last longer than the OEM which are Wolff's anyway. (This isnt just a Kahr thing, Dave at Wolff says any short slide/big caliber gun, IE short Kimbers, etc all do the same thing)

The mag springs have to be seen/played with to be believed...very strong. Use caution the first time you clean the mags...I almost put an eye out :D

Accuracy is very very good and I think the stock sights are good, probably better for quick sight acquisition than bullseye targe practice but are great none the less.
They are accurate enough to put ALOT bigger guns to shame at the range...once you get used to the trigger.

Ok..the trigger..not exactly the Elite some favor, but Kahr triggers are all good anyway. After you put around 200-500 rnds or dryfire it alot it will get ssssooooo smooth. I also have a 5# striker spring in mine from Wolff..this spring was designed for the Wilson K40 Custom that was made a couple of years ago. Still 100% in function and made a nice difference in the pull weight. Mine has had a bit of smith work to the trigger anyway.

The guns Ive shot are dead on POI/POA with everything from Corbon 135's to the Black Talons 180's I have also. The 3 1/2" barrel is long enough that I get around 1270-1280 FPS from the Corbon 135's and usually over 1150 FPS with Fed. Classic 155's and Gold Dot 155's also. Well over 475 FPE from the little bruiser with the Corbon's and over 440 FPE from the 155's.

For comparison..the 3 - 3-1/2" barreled 45's weve chronoed get a max of 400 FPE from the hottest +P ammo. We havent tested everything out there...admittedly.

The insides of the gun are as good as they smith swears its the best finished/machined gun hes ever seen in over 20 years. The feedramp just got a slightly better shine than came from the factory. He "barely touched it" in his words.

Basically youve just gotten a wonderful little gun...but dont let me twist your reality...just shoot it. I prefer the lighter bullets in with any gun the 180's really dont give a real ballistic advantage and add to recoil/followup shots slightly, in the smaller configuration.

On my "recommend to do" to the Kahr list:

Wolff springs for recoil, striker and rush, when the OEMs become tired. Especially the Recoil and Striker.....

Novak/Mep/Trij nights...the 3 dots are what Im used to plus they glow nicely. You can find nights cheap online...have a smith put them in if you havent done it before...I havent heard of a Kahr that makes for an easy sight switch.....:eek:

There I feel better....thanks and enjoy your gun.

Shoot well


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Navy joe

New member
I'm a Kahr fan, I just recently added a K40 to the pile with Mepro sights, which are highly recommended. Nice gun, internally I did find some of the Kahr QC problems mentioned by others. For example the lower edge of one of the frame rails had a wire edge to it, kinda like they popped it out of the CNC mill and slapped it together, nobody sat down with a fine file and broke the edges. I peeled this sliver off and it was about the size of a sewing needle, only thinner, probably .010" Picky, but I'm a metalworker and for 500+ new the smiths at Kahr should be too. I polished all the rails, case closed.

Externally the gun is pretty. The rubber grips are a welcome change from the hard plastic that my MK40 has. The mags are very nice quality and function great in my MK40 also.

The big problem I have is the slide stop. On both my MK40 (bought lightly used) and K40(NIB) the slide stop will engage the cone of the bullet next up in the mag which causes the slide to prematurely lock back. On my MK I carefully stoned away at the offending tab until the malfunction stopped. The slide still locks on empty. With the K40 I have reached the point where it won't lock open empty but still prematurely locks about 2 per 50. Simply put I think that the front of the mag needs a squarer profile so that the follower can stick out further to the side than the bullet does. I think the design worked well in 9mm but the .40 has truncated cone bullets that are nearly straight wall cylinders. I have now elected to make my K40 a completely reliable shooter that does not lock open at all when empty. I'll buy a new stop and try again maybe, but only after I talk to Kahr about this unpleasantness. Tried 135 to 180 loads, different shooters, it's the gun.


New member
I fired one this past weekend. Gun to hand fit was excellent. Fit, finish, and functionality were also excellent. But... and there is a but... The recoil of the K40 is stout as hell! I figured with 25+ ounces of steel, it'd be a bit of a softer shooter. I guess I was wrong. Don't get me wrong, the recoil is manageable... just a bit of a surprise. Shooting the K40 makes me want to take a serious look at the K9


New member
I started with a Kahr E9. It is a great pistol which had break in problems. I had a lot of jams until I reached 200 rounds (the recommended break in) and then it turned to a jewel. I bought a Kahr 40 and my shooting experiences mirror Eric Larsens. I do not care for or see any reason to shoot 180gr 40 S&W cartridges. I then bought a stainless K9 and in my opinion this 9mm is the best of the group. How to pack it? I use a Milt Sparks Mirage belt slide or an Alessi Hard Shell Talon. I also have two Rosen holsters that work but cost much more than the Alessi but don't work any better. Regards, Richard

PS If I were in your shoes I would rent and fire a 40 and a 9. Then I would decide.


New member
As with the other steel framed Kahrs, the K40 is about as good as it gets in terms of compact/sub-compact pistols chambered for serious social cartridges.