Tec-22 Advice


New member
I'm an old geezer but a new shooter. I started target shooting at the range about four months ago. I now own a .357 S&W revolver for home defense and a Ruger .22 auto-loader for practice. I don't know much about firearms, but I'm learning.

Recently I was given a Tec-22 Scorpion .22 auto-loader. I've searched the internet, talked to the guys at the range, and learned a lot about the background and nature of this 'assault pistol'. I've downloaded the manual, and some other articles from the web.

This one has some problems. I'm trying to get it to function reliably, as a project and a learning experience. I could use some advice.

The first problem I've dealt with is chronic failure-to-eject. By cleaning it up, feeding it Stingers and lubing the bolt 'till it drips, I've overcome that problem. Woo-hoo! First round to Zippy!

The problem I'm noodling on now is that the cover tends to fly open while shooting. There's a cut-out sheet-metal frame dingus on the inside of the cover, just under the rear sight, that hooks over a plastic projection on the latch button, and this is coming loose, which allows the cover to fly open. I don't see anything wrong with either the sheet-metal dingus or the plastic projection. When I close the cover, the dingus engages the projection, and I can't pull the cover open with my hands. So I guess the latch button is bouncing forward during the recoil cycle, and pulling the projection out of the dingus.

Oh ratz! Ratz! And ratz again!

Any suggestions how I can overcome this problem, so that I can shoot off ten rounds rapid without the pistol coming apart on the third shot? Are the Stingers I'm shooting too powerful for the Tec-22 bolt? But I need a fairly high-powered .22 round, to push the bolt back fast and far enough to eject the spent shell case. I've thought that duct taping the cover down would befit the general technical excellence of the Tec-22 design, but I'd like to find a more elegant solution.

Thanks for any ideas.

3 weelin geezer

New member
I have two. One I tried to put a scope on the cover. Bad idea because I warped it and it wont feed/eject. The second one is a post ban and it always jams when trying to feed. I think your problem has to do with that recoil spring which holds that latch from going forward especially under such insignificant recoil. Mine are pretty much wall hangers since I now have a mark II.


New member
Thanx for the input, Geezer. Yeah, the Rugers are better target pistols, but the Tec is kinda sexy in a trashy way. If I can get mine to run reliably, I may trick her out with the shrouded barrel extender and banana-rama magazine, and see what kind of attention we get down at the range. "Hey Sailor! Want a date?" I'll bet you're right about the spring. I'll try fastening the lid closed with a heavy rubber band. That should get some looks ;-{)
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3 weelin geezer

New member
Hey, its about as pos as my now late grendel p10 in 380. I am wondering if there is a way to put a feed ramp into the chamber kinda like the mark II. Just a thought. I really don't waste too much time thinking about these things. I like makeing people believe I really have a machine gun. They say I should become a male man. I wonder why? I am not gay.

Kevin Quinlan

I played with 8-10 different kinds of ammo before I found one it likes. Fun gun.


ps. There was a recall on these about 8-10 years ago. Seems they could go into full auto. Mine never did but I thought that it would be cool to own such a "defective" as opposed to a "modified to full auto" gun.


New member
Thanx for sharing, doodz. My information is that the Tec-22 recall (issued by the NRA, but not but Intratec) was back in '91, and that only the first few thousand units produced had the 'unexpected full auto' defect. Judging by the serial number, mine isn't one of the early units. As for the *illegal* full-auto mod, I can't see becoming a felon over this cheap-ass pistol. :cool:

It is fun to shoot, though. I'll run a lot of different kinds of ammo through it before I give up.