Team mugging scenario part2


New member
This happened last night in Falls, Church Virginia: (Lived there for 5 years)

A man was walking home at 11 pm when he was approached and engaged in conversation by another person. (male)

Then from out of the blue - a second person comes out and hits person #1 with a baseball bat. Then they take his cell phone and run over him with their car.

The victim is currently in the hospital.

Situational awareness folks. And do not trust anyone who engages you in conversation at 11 pm at night. (Unless you are in nightclub....)


New member
That has been happening around here also. Someone walks up to you, asking you for a cigarette, a light, directions. Then the accomplice approaches from another direction. After the victim complies they shoot or stab the victim anyway.

I agree - from now on no stranger gets too close to me, after dark, for any reason, without receiving a threat response from me - Prevent, Deter, Evade, Escape, Deffend.


You do what you can. You can't be ready for everything, all the time. It's just not possible.

Give me a break. Living life with tactical sense can keep you ready for everything, it's called having common sense.

Like common sense would tell you that if you kept up with the local news and found in the blotter files that some creeps were doing local home invasions, common sense would tell you to keep your doors closed and locked and that you need to carefully observe your surroundings and the people coming up to your house.

Common sense would tell you that if there's been a rash of car break ins around town where scum are stealing air bags, if you have a garage you better use it.

Common sense would tell you not to get f**ked up at your local watering hole then walk around drunk like a dumb ass at 1am.

common sense would tell you that walking through graffiti sprayed places, even in nice middle class "hoods" can beg for an ass whooping.

People need to stop living life with a dumb ass paper bag over their heads.

The Biker

New member
I agree with Samurai. Anyone who thinks they can live with their mags stacked and pins straightened 25/8 has never tried to live that way.



New member
I think both sides of the argument have merit:

One you cannot stay in condition RED 24/7.

But you also should not be completely unaware of your surroundings during times of possible danger:

At night


Early AM

Walking deserted streets and parking lots etc.

The point is - when in these situations - expect the worst. And you'll more often than not - survive it.