Teaching kids to shoot

What age did you/do you plan on teaching your kid(s) to shoot?

  • Age 5 or under

    Votes: 11 15.3%
  • Age 6-12

    Votes: 48 66.7%
  • Teenager

    Votes: 6 8.3%
  • As an adult

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Haven't yet/Don't have kids

    Votes: 7 9.7%

  • Total voters


Active member
I watched a guy trying to teach his 5 year old kid to shoot. It made me nervous. The kid could shoot with the help of his dad, but he had no grasp of gun safety or even what a gun was for. I plan to teach my kid at about 10 years old.


New member
Mine's still potty training, so she'll have to wait a while. But, we are already teaching her gun safety (along with fire safety/not talking to strangers/etc).


New member
I think alot of it will depend on the kid's maturity level. I know a 5 year old that shoots a Ruger Bearcat just fine and understands what he's doing.......and I also know a couple of 30 year olds that shouldn't be able to touch a toy firearm.


New member
Started with air soft guns and eye pro, had she shot herself, it would have been a good lesson. I Skipped the pellet and went right to a .22 for her 8th birthday. I have also demonstrated how LOUD guns are and what they can do to a watermelon. You have to teach them to respect the power of their gun.

Another vote for maturity level is more important than age.


New member
My oldest began at age 9, but that was because I was deployed the majority of the time between 5-9.

My training regimen begins with lessons in the garage going over all the major parts of the different types of firearms, firearm safety, etc. Once they can name all the parts of the air rifle I have for them and what each part does (general terms), they get to hold it and we begin working on form.

Shooting begins with the air rifle into a BB trap in the garage. When they show proficiency with safety and shooting, then they graduate to .22s and the process starts over with shooting accomplished at the range.

I had planned on going from .22 to .243, but the Wthby Youth model I got tended to thump my oldest who is rather petite for her age. So, I got an AR-15 to add an intermediate step.


New member
Got my BB gun when I was 3 and started shooting my 22 at 4 or 5. I plan to start teaching my little girl around 4.


New member
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New member
Maturity rather than a number is the right answer.

My son, Nick, has shot with me since he was around 5 years old. Very responsible when I help and observe, but I still never let him handle gun without being in arm's reach - My other 3 children don't show same level of maturity (not that any are actually mature as you and I know it!) and likely wont be ready until a little older.



New member
Both our boys "started" the day they were born. They each had a Chipmunk already in the safe with their names on them. They fired their first "live" round at 4. By then, they had already fired thousands of rounds on the living room floor practicing with me.

Teach them before they have any other influences, and make sure you explain all the other crap they will encounter along the way.

They can still be kids and play with toy guns too. They will know the difference if you play with them and teach them. Mine are in their 20's now, and we still "play". I just have to cheat more. :)


New member
It will be grand kids and I figure between 11 & 12 is about right. (That's about the age I was when I started shooting and hunting).

Size and maturity play as big a part as age in any decision on when to start kids on shooting.


New member
I don't have kids but my grandfather started teaching me to shoot a single shot 22 at about 4 or 5. But that was with constant 1 to 1 supervision. My pistol training started with a 22 revolver at maybe 10.


New member
I bought a Colt single-shot .22 rifle for $20. Some moron had cut the barrel off at 18" along with the front sight and messed up the stock. I cut the barrel to 16 1/2" and recrowned it, cut the stock down and finished it, added a scope and gave it to my daughter for her 6th birthday.

32 years later she still has it and my grandson shoots it.


New member
I wasn't a big gun guy when my kids were young, but I did teach them to shoot safely and to respect the power of firearms. They're both in their 20s now shoot a bit, but more importantly, they shoot safely. Much safer than quite a number of people I see at the range.

Each year at our annual "Mancamp" I try further instilling in my 12 year old nephew, safe shooting practices and he's doing pretty well. I'm now looking forward to teaching a ten year old nephew safe shooting also.

I think I get as much out of it as they do! Life's good.... even for a grim soul like me. :)
General rule of thumb is 8-12 years old in our family. It varies from kid to kid. My neice was well within acceptable maturity levels at 8yrs old to handle a gun under adult supervision. One of my nephews is now 11yrs old and he can still not be trusted with a loaded gun. Not even under adult supervision.


New member
By responding to their inquiries, you have already started teaching. Teach to "their" level of comprehension and attention span, to those inquiries. For the most past, you have been teaching by your actions. Follow the K.I.S.S. protocal. Teach to "their" interests and make it a sharing time with them. You will have to agree that it's an evolutionary process and we are all on that learning curve. Currently I have the interest of three, out of five Grandsons. The thirteen year old, often helps me teach Hunter Safety. I don't glorify firearms, nor require them to shoot or hunt. The results have been very positive and they often initiate a time to shoot and hunt. ;)

Be Safe !!!