Teach a man to fish... (a poster and a bonus image)

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus

(For extra points, who is the gentleman in the photos and whose revolver is it?)

We had a pleasant gathering of friends (incl. several TFLers), pictures forthcoming. Here's one of Tamara and her Socially Intended rifle, for starters. Pics of lendsringer and more pictures of runt_of_the_litter will be posted shortly.



New member
I think I recognize Tamara's custom M-13, but the gentleman escapes me. That's not much of a surprise, though, as I'm a relative newcomer to these parts.

He looks familiar for some reason, though...

P.S. Hey Tamara, you gonna tell 'em where to find that slightly more uhh..."provocative" pic of you is? (I won't, mostly cuz I don't know, and you should decide that anyhow. Always the gentleman, me. ;) )


New member
#1 -- nice poster! Looks like something you'ld see in American Rifleman.. great point made as well.. never too late to learn.

#2 -- YOW!!
Um.. Tamara, you sure take a mean picture. Any more images like that, and I think Oleg's gonna have his ISP screaming at him for the bandwidth surge.

Good job!


Mal H

... no, she's doing the teaching. Oleg's poetic license allows us to assume the protection came before the picture was taken.

(BTW, Oleg did you have to get your poetic license renewed when you moved to TN? Do they have "shall issue" poetic licenses?)

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
The license here is that Betty is "teaching" TFL's own Jim Oakley, an already proficient handgunner.

As for Tam looking different, doesn't she get to evolve over time just like the rest of us?


New member
Hey Oleg......

Many fantastic pics back I chimed in that your blonde with light background layouts hit my eye as slightly "washed out". Your reasoned reply was that you were highlighting the firearm in the scene. I feel in this special instance that reasoning is unacceptable.;)


New member
Nice of you to post the pic of Tamara, but I'm kinda confused.
So used to all your pics having captions; I started looking for the message.:confused:


New member
Excellent work as usual Oleg. Glad you're still happy in TN, I loved it there.

As for Tamara... WOW! (all I can say) not quite what I expected.

BTW, Oleg, did you end up keeping that 92 FS?


Moderator Emeritus

The picture's not washed out; I really do have the complexion of a cave fish. :eek: ;)

PS: I know what revolver that is! ;)


Moderator Emeritus

...I missed some of the cool picture-taking going on while I hovered over the hors d'ouvres. ;)

Navy joe

New member
Nice sig line Tam, kinda goes with the bumper sticker I want to get printed to go right next to the "nuke the whales" one. How about "It takes my child to raze your village" Would even look good in Red & Gold. ;)