TC Omega accuracy


New member
I am shooting a TC Omega. Ive had two groups around an inch and a half at 100 yards, but most are around 3 or four inches. I would like under two inches. Im going to swich from 777 pellets to loose 777 powder. Ive heard about the 25 acp breech plug. Im thinking about trying this. Do you guys have any suggestions.


New member
Try the blackpowder forum, but if it was me, I would try different loads of 777 to get the accuracy you are looking for. Buy some 50 gr and 30 gr pellets to make up 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, and 140 gr charges. My knight rifle really likes 130 gr of777(2 50's and a 30). I can get groups that rival some new centerfire rifles.


New member
i too am a new omega owner

and have spent some time now testing it. In my experience 150 load of 777 pellets is a waste. It kicked like a mule and does nothing for accuracy. Do yourself a favor skip using 150gr. I was getting a average of 4" groups with thompson center shockwave 300gr. I switched to loose 777 and dropped down to 115gr, and wow this thing came alive. One hole three shot groups at 100 yd. Here is a link to a site that has a lot of good info.

Good luck



New member
How much have you shot muzzleloaders in the past. They can be very picky. Once you get the right load and process of shooting and loading they are a blast to shoot. I started about 17 years ago and had some good advice starting out. It took me two years to really learn what my mistakes were. The powder charge had little to do with my group size in my rifles. My bullets and clean barrel made all the difference. I use to shoot the same size groups you are talking about. 2 to 4" groups at 100 yards. Now I shoot 4" groups at 250 yards. I shoot Hornady sst bullets and I only get 3 to 6 shots before I have to completely clean the barrel. I have not tried the Precision Bullets but I here from a friend of mine they are the BEST Period. I am dieing to try them. The most important part of the barrel, in my case, is were the powder and bullet sit. Make sure you get all of that burnt powder in that area. You will most likely need to use a brush in that area. I use 100 to 150 grain of powder and the groups are the same just lower with the 100 grains of powder. I am also not a Power Belt fan. I know everyone loves them except me. I hate them. Sorry, not looking to start a fight, just my opinion. If that is your bullet then try to stay with 150 grains of power. And yes they do seem to shoot better with a fouled barrel. But, only a few shoots and the groups go to crap again. Let me know if I can help in any way.


New member
I shoot a T/C omega, Camo thumbhole stock SSbarrel. I am still playing with my loads but you might wanna try changing up your projectile. I am shooting;

250 hornady SST (.45/.50sabot)
2-50 grain 777pelets

and off a good rest, with scope(i don't hunt in the muzzle loader only season in kansas, so i mounted a scope to take out in firearms season), i am getting 5 shot groups at 75 yards just under an inch

i do plan on mixing up a few new loads to test out in the comeing weeks, but i would sugguest useing T/C sabots, or hornady SST (same thing, just alittle cheaper)

also, this is the most important step in repeatable accuracy, SWAB THE BORE after every 1-2 shots when sighting in..your barrel stays alot more consistant(which is key in accuracy of anything). Try a wet swab with T/C #13 on it, then run a dry patch.. your good to go