TBO (or others) Kingston, TN shooting?

Sir William

New member
I don't have a link. A TN CO was murdered in LOD by the wife of a prisoner being escorted back to jail. The prisoner and the murderess are on the loose and considered armed and dangerous. Anybody have a link? Sheriffs have not learned their lesson after Atlanta apparently.


New member
The woman had been a corrections officer so she knew all the procedures.In the Atlanta case a number of people have now been fired.Atlanta could have been avoided since a report about poor security had been written about a year before but the report was ignord !!!


My impression -- and I don't mean any offense to those who might be in this line of work here -- is that corrections officers seem almost as likely to be criminals as the criminals they guard! I mean, in Florida here, you can't go very long without hearing in the news that some dude busted for buying crack, starving some pit bull terriers, or dog/cock-fighting was a CO. :rolleyes: Is it that the job takes that kind of a toll on someone, or is it that that kind of someone gravitates toward that kind of job?

I mean, the guy's wife was allegedly a corrections officer herself? And she was capable of cold-blooded murder?! :eek:




Article HERE

Sir William

New member
TBO, thank you. She worked as a nurse at TDOC-Tiptonville. It is a medium security prison. She was terminated under a cloud of suspcion for marrying Hyatte. That violates TDOC R&Rs.


New member
These 2 were captured overnight in Columbus, OH.

They took a taxi to a hotel, cab driver recognized them and after dropping off said pair, dropped a dime on them [called police]. CPD, US Marshalls swooped in and took them in without firing a shot.

They may already be on the road back to Kingston, TN...Although not likely as to the way they would want to go back.


New member
The husband has to appear before a federal judge this morning, and then will be extradited. The wife is being examined by a doctor to determine when she is fit for her court appearance. So, the male slimebag could be coming back today, but the female will take a bit longer.