

New member
If we were to send Taurus a comprehensive report on how to improve their firearms, what would be some highlights of that report? I say this because every year I see Taurus coming out with some very impressive looking firearms, but due to their past reliability/quality control issues, they are probably not getting a second look from those of us who have had bad experience.

My main concerns that I want to communicate to Taurus includes:
Quality control
Lack of finish in detail
Suggest reliability and durability tests before approving a prototype
Factory accuracy tests
Less new models and more focus on making better guns

What do you guys think? Hopefully, somehow we can manage Taurus folks to read this thread or atleast send them a link for their R&D and Customer Service.



New member
I'm glad someone is taking a serious look at Taurus! I recently did a LOT of research for a CCW, as I wanted something very concealable and reliable! I kept coming back to Taurus for their selection of relatively concealable firearms, however I did not look long, as reliability was always questionable!

My 2 cents worth, I could care or less about cosmetics and how nice a gun looks, as long as it always reliably operates and fires when I pull the trigger! Forefront on my list of concerns to Taurus would be I want a reliable gun! Second, I would say that customer care needs some improvement, as I have heard too many stories of people having to wait months on end for the return of thier gun when they send it in for repairs.

Just my 2 cents worth! I have never owned a Taurus, though I was tempted on several occassions to buy one for thier ergonomics and size.


New member
Hiring some honest and somewhat friendly ( at least not outright hostile ) CS reps would have been enough to keep from turning me off on the brand. But at this point that ship has sailed


New member
Here are my answers to you suggestions.

"My main concerns that I want to communicate to Taurus includes:"

Quality control: Yes that should be Number 1
Lack of finish in detail: I have been pretty satisfied with the pistols I have owned PT-140 Mil. Pro. and PT 24/7
Suggest reliability and durability tests before approving a prototype: At least 1 year and 500,000 rounds fired
Factory accuracy tests: At least 100,000 rounds fired.
Less new models and more focus on making better guns: Focus on making the existing models better.
And a little more training for there phone C.S. personnel.:)



New member
What do you guys think? Hopefully, somehow we can manage Taurus folks to read this thread or atleast send them a link for their R&D and Customer Service.

I'm not discouraging you, but I'm certainly sure that Taurus is aware of their issues.

Part of the reason they offer guns that are lower priced that other makers is that their quality control has wider tolerences, their guns aren't finished to the same level as others and durability and reliablity isn't a primary concern.

Their business model suggests that their concern is that they intentionally produce a cheaper gun and sell it at a lower price point than other makers. Generally, this seems to work as they sell a lot of guns. Most of the guns they sell actually seem to be decent guns.

Granted, they have their share of lemons and some of those customers (myself included) swear off Taurus. With or without my future business, Taurus is still rollling on and their business model still works.

A letter suggesting things they can to do to improve their product (and likely both their production costs and sales points) isn't likely to cause them to change their business model but what the hell, give it a go.

My only question is this; if a Taurus cost the same as a S&W or a Ruger would people actually buy a Taurus over the other two? Most people wouldn't. Their lower price point secures Taurus's niche in the market and their share of it.