Taurus - Whats New for 2009


New member
For the taurus Fans you may want to take a gander at there New product line up The New slim being one of them..www.taurususa.com

If this Has been posted already or is in the wrong section.sorry In Advance and please close the thread. thanks





A RAIL!!!! You have got to be kidding me!

I thought the whole point of the judge was that your untrained wife/daughter/(insert female non-gunnie here) could confidently just aim in the general direction of a Bad Guy and magically hit him with the fearsome powers of a shotgun. Aiming was not supposed to be necessary, since shotguns create tunnels of DOOM when they go off.

Now we need taclights and lazers on judges?


Also got a giggle from Taurus "becoming the leader in high performance 1911's.":p Ah, the fantasy of the blissfully blind.


New member
Well,Taurus is notorious for introducing new models,with a 1 to 2 year delay before shipping.To a lesser degree,this is common among all the manufacturers as they want to judge demand as much as possible prior to release.As an example,the 24/7 OSS was introduced a year and a half before release,and the PT709 "SLIM" was introduced at SHOT show 2008 and again this year,there are still none being shipped...

I couldn't wait when they introduced the OSS,I finally gave up and bought an XD,so they're hurting their own bottom line with these delays,but they don't seem to care...

The only thing keeping me waiting for the "SLIM" is the SA/DA trigger,all other 9mm pistols in that size are striker fired SA guns like the Glock pistols...


New member
They should have added “update web site” under the new for 2009. I think it has been years now since they did that.

They are big on the .38 Super this year.


New member
I see they Discontinued the only Taurus I own, the M63 22LR Semi auto copy of the Winchester 63. Its the only Taurus gun I ever even wanted to have. I think I paid $150 for it ANIB. Its been a nice little plinker.

Jim March

New member
38 Super is easy to understand. It's the max load Mexicans are "semi allowed" to have. It's complicated but basically if you avoid "military calibers" and not too much power (357Mag qualifies as "too much"), and you're a Mexican citizen, you can often get away with packing it if you're able to pay bribes now and again.

In Arizona you can't find .380s for love or money, as they get sent south of the border. You also can't find a .36cal percussion gun in a standard frame type (Colt open-top or Remington) because those get shipped south as percussion guns and get fitted with homebrew 38Spl cylinders.

These are all gun types that the mostly-honest are buying up in response to the gang wars.


New member
I root for Taurus, I really do. I especially hope the Slim and the 738 prove to be good guns, because I can see great utility in both. The Slim and the 2045 certainly appear to be a departures from what they have been doing for the last few years. Anybody else notice the Glock-inspired design cues?

As for the underlug-mounted rail, I thought that was a stupid idea on the Smith & Wesson Model 327 M&P R8. I mean, if your hand is far enough forward to work the switch, it's far enough forward to get flame-cut if you have to fire while it's up there. Or you can run a wire for a switch, which starts getting pretty Rube Goldberg. Silly Taurus, rails are for autos!

Then again, it would be a great place to mount a bayonet!


New member
I hope the Slim works out. My wife wants a Kahr PM9 as a range toy, and I can't afford it! Maybe the Taurus will catch her eye....

Well, the new lineup is certainly pretty. Not sure why we need a rail on the Judge, or a 2" barreled version. Someone will buy it though. :rolleyes:


I LOVE the looks of that Slim!!! I don't really NEED another compact 9...but it might be an acceptable substitute for my Keltec PF9 if the trigger pull is lighter/shorter.


New member
What I like to know where are all the taurus models.I have 4 guns shops in my local area,I haven't seen any other then a recent taurus 1911 other then that zilch,Noda.
There might be something to those 738's. A really light little .380, if the price is right (and the quality continues their improving trend) I may have found my deep cover/dressed-too-nice-for-G19 carry piece.