Taurus Tracker .357


New member
I was wanting to know everyone thoughts on the Tarus Tracker .357 with the 6.5" barrel cause I'm thinking bout buying one I saw one today at the gunshop nib for $400 is that a good price and is the gun worth buying thanks Eric


New member
What do you plan to mainly use the gun for?

Have you checked out a Ruger GP100? I think the Ruger is a better value for similar money.


New member
i'll use the gun just play around with at the shooting range and to leave on my nightstand when i'm sleeping


New member
Taurus Tracker

Greetings Eric,

I recently purchased a very lightly used .357 Tracker in the 6.5" configuration for $260 a little over two months ago.

My thoughts regarding this revolver is that it's a well-made piece and performs quite well in the accuracy department. I've put 125 grain and 158 grain .357 fodder through it as well as 50 rounds of .38 Special. Additionally, I look forward to driving some Buffalo Bore 180 grainers down the barrel in the near future.

For my needs, which are essentially the same as yours, it meets them.
I don't feel you can go wrong with this firearm IMHO.

My 0.02 cents. :)


New member
I had a 4" Tracker 357. Good gun.

I put about 3,000 rounds through it before I traded it.

It's a good budget piece.


New member
Our Taurus .357 (model 627) has about 1000 rounds through it now, mostly Walmart's Winchester .38 specials, though.

At the range, we find it to be a fun paper puncher, accurate out to the 25 yard line. Have not tried it any further out.

At home, it serves as a BUG to our .45.


New member
I have the 4" 627 and it has performed flawlessly for over 1000 rounds.

Comparing it to any of my other brand guns from Colt, Beretta and Ruger , if I'm being totally honest ... I don't see a significant difference whatsoever in the ability or reliability of any other brand , over the Taurus guns I have. Each has it's pluses and minuses.


New member
They do make the best looking full lug out there in my eyes.

I find Taurus revolver triggers a mixed bag. Smooth is not the first thing I will ever think of.


New member
wow this is the exact gun I have been looking at, and if I found a used one for $260 I would snap it up in a second!

the 4" seems to be much more popular, I have been to three shops that have 1 or more of the 4" version in stock but I have yet to find a 6.5" new or used. Damn I wish I could find a used one at a local SoCal shop (hate shipping stuff I prefer to look at and touch before I buy...)