Taurus semi autos

Please read the post!

  • Yes, I would pick Taurus over any other semi auto

    Votes: 35 23.8%
  • No, I will take some other semi auto

    Votes: 112 76.2%

  • Total voters


New member
I have went through four Taurus semi auto after I found one that works. However, the accuracy pary need to be worked on. May be if I adjust the sights a bit.

I want to know what are your experiences and thoughts say about Taurus semi autos.

Can they be relied on in a deadly situation when you have option to pick just about any other semi auto?


New member
Oh my God! Another Taurus discussion. I love it. I've owned 2 Taurus 9mm handguns over the years. One was a PT-92AR, the other was the first series 24/7. I didn't have a problem with either of them. I purposely ran 700+ rounds through the 24/7 before it choked. Once I cleared it, never had the problem again. Didn't run quite that many through the PT-92 before I gave it to my Dad. No problems with it though. Planning on purchasing another 24/7. It fit my hand live a latex glove.
Walk softly, carry a big stick, and don't be afraid to use it.
My Mil Pro 9 is the $#!@. Never had a problem with it, don't regret getting it. Thinking about getting one in .380 for my wife (same gun+smaller caliber=less recoil, right).


New member
How about including an option that isn't one extreme or the other?I own and carry a PT145,and I love it.But I also carry other things,and I'd use the PT145 without hesitation,but not necessarily above all others.Not necessarily NOT above all others,either...In other words,if the PT145 was the closest thing to me,I'd use it,absolutely.If my G32 was the closest,it'd get used,etc...


New member
my dad and friend both have millenium pro .45

both shoot great, my friend dropped his in an indoor range and broke the rear sight. Taurus fixed it free, and had it back to him in under 2 weeks..

i would buy a taurus but i wouldn't not buy another brand.


New member
I did not vote because I think the choices are too limited. I do own a Taurus semi and it has served me well, but the way the poll is worded makes it hard for me to chose. My last purchase was a Ruger P90. Would I buy another Taurus in the future...probably yes.

I don't purchase or keep any gun that is not reliable enough for SD. Would I pick one of my makes over another?.....depends on what day of the month you ask.:)


New member
Madmag..I kept the choices tight to get a FINAL answer to my quest in finding what TFL members really think about Taurus. Every time I leave any room, folk try to go all over place and not hit the core issue. Your input in previous Taurus threads have been deeply appreciated.
All my experiences with Taurus show me that their quality is "hit and miss."

There are too many better choices available to roll the dice with this kind of money.


New member
Your input in previous Taurus threads have been deeply appreciated.

Thanks for that. My only issue is that if you had asked would I purchase a Taurus then I could have answered yes. But I also agree with Playboy's comment that they are hit & miss on quality. The good news is the defects usually show up right away. So that means you have to prove out the pistol before you trust it for SD. But I do this for any gun I purchase.
The good news is the defects usually show up right away.
I agree with that. I did a lot of research awhile back and came to the conclusion that Taurus' biggest problem was quality control. They just seem to release every gun they make and let the market filter out the lemons instead of preventing them from leaving the factory. I am not saying they are on par with Smith or anything, they clearly are not and a look inside one will show that, but they are pretty good if you do not get a bad one.


New member
I believe the quality is hit and miss as well. The fact that all 3 of mine broke and had to be sent back to the factory may have been a fluke, who knows. But would anyone else here keep buying them if you experienced that? My PT145 fell apart on my first trip to the range. So for those that have one that works, great. I'm glad it did. I just don't think it's a quality handgun or design. In my opinion, when you buy Taurus you aren't buying a high quality firearm. You are simply buying cheap. Nothing wrong with that if it's all you can afford or it's just a plinking gun. When it comes to SD I will not risk my life depending on one. I have never had any type of malfunction or failure with an Hk or Sig, ever. A few with Glock and CZ. But my experiences speak quite a bit to me. I think they are just way better handguns in quality and performance compared to Taurus.


New member
The choices are too limited. I happen to have a Taurus semi-auto that I happen to like. But, I happen to have other semi-autos that I also happen to like.

The poll choices make it an either/or proposition. Either Taurus over all -- meaning, Taurus is at the top of my list, or all others over Taurus -- meaning Taurus is at the bottom of my list. Neither of those choices fits how I view them.

So, I didn't vote. Make the choices realistic.


New member
Another point I feel is missed many times in Taurus threads. Many purchase Taurus for other reasons than low cost. I purchased my 1st gen. PT945 because it was the only gun on the market at the time that happen to fit my criteria (excuse) to buy another pistol. This was a few years back. I was looking for:

alloy frame (about 27oz)
DA/SA with decock, firing pin block, etc.
Single Stack (8+1 rounds)
about 4" barrel

The Taurus was the one that fit. I did look at Sig with similar alloy frame and controls, but to this day I can't find a Sig that fits me well...just me I guess.

The point is it is not all money driven. Taurus makes some semi's that are neat designs and fill a niche for some shooters. Agreed. this does not matter if they don't work.

For what it's worth. My new P90 (2 mo. old)had an issue with the safety rubbing & hanging up on the inside of the grip. Problem due to a sharp point on the safety left by the factory. Easy to fix, but at first the gun would not come off of safety...not what you want for SD. I own several Rugers, so I still have a high opinion of their quality control....but stuff happens.
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New member
The choices are too limited. I happen to have a Taurus semi-auto that I happen to like. But, I happen to have other semi-autos that I also happen to like. The poll choices make it an either/or proposition. Either Taurus over all -- meaning, Taurus is at the top of my list, or all others over Taurus -- meaning Taurus is at the bottom of my list. Neither of those choices fits how I view them. So, I didn't vote.


It's sort of like "Do you walk to work or carry your lunch?"


New member
This poll isn't very fair to Taurus. The options are:
Yes, I would pick Taurus over any other semi auto
No, I will take some other semi auto
I don't think anyone would say that Taurus is the #1 semi-auto available. However, they are very good and reliable pistols. So, would I pick a Taurus? Absolutely! Would I pick it over ALL OTHER semi-autos available as my absolute #1 pistol in the world? NO.


New member
they are very good and reliable pistols.

What information are you basing this on?

Mine all broke. When not broken my PT145 shot low, had numerous failure to feed, and extraction problems. I would not consider that good and reliable. I think that the same opinion is expressed throughout this forum when it comes to these handguns. Some people get good ones, many get bad, but overall I don't think Taurus is considered a company known for reliability and quality. Is that what you are reading from all the information here and on the net???


New member
What information are you basing this on?
No, I am not basing my comments on posts I have read on the internet. My opinion comes from personal experience. My good buddy has a PT111 (9mm) that is very accurate and has been 100% reliable. Another friend has a Berretta 92 and its Taurus counterpart. He claimed the Taurus would easily outshoot the Berretta. I was very sceptical. After shooting both for myself, I agreed. The Taurus was more accurate! It is also a 100% reliable pistol. Both myself and my brother-in-law have a Taurus 605 (.357 mag) with a 2" barrel. Both are very accurate and 100% reliable. My comment in this matter comes from personal experience! My experience with Taurus firearms is that they are very accurate and reliable firearms. I do not think they are the best guns available, but I wouldn't have any problem trusting my life to one ;)


New member
Taurus Semi autos

I purchased a Taurus PT 24/7 45cal Duo-Tone back on Nov. 08. I must say I am pleasantly surprised by it's accuracy. I had read so many negative and positive comments about this firearm. I was really skeptical about the Straight 8 Heinie sights. Let me tell you, these things work great. At 15yds. I can keep a 5 shot group inside a two inch diameter circle. I most definitely would purchase another Taurus 24/7 handgun but I don't see myself doing that in the near future since I own 3handguns 4rifles and 1shotgun.