Taurus revolver porting


New member
I was planning on getting the Taurus 850 Titanium CIA in the next week or so and just got to thinking about the fact that this one is ported. I've never owned/shot a ported revolver and was wondering about the downside of porting. Is there a blinding flash that comes out of the ports that could make follow-up shots difficult? Anything else to consider? Thanks.

Here is what it looks like:



New member
My Tuarus porting experience is limited to a 627 4" tracker. The porting on that gun is awesome, but it does create quite a bit of flash above the gun. I'd imagine in a short barrel revo, that it would be much worse.

But, the porting on the Tracker at least really makes a difference. With full power .357 loads it feels like it kicks straight back, which is great for the follow up shot.


New member
Don't think the porting would hurt, more like help the shooting.

Except for firing from close retention. Then could get eyefull of detrius from the ports and/or light up your polyester suit coat etc.



New member
I generally try to avoid petroleum based clothing whenever possible (like the leisure suits I used to wear in high school that I thought looked so sharp at the time:barf: ) I'm sure it helps on recoil, was concerned though about a blinding flash.


New member
My wife had difficulty getting used to it (she thought it was going to blast her in the face), after a while though.. she's totally comfortable with it.


New member
In low light conditions and certain loads with slower powders you do get quite a bit of flash. I have actually seen 16" or so flashes from mine in extremely low light. It's not a real bright flash but you do see it now and then. Thats with a 6.5" barrel. I had a 2-1/2" or so Rossi that was ported and I could see pressure waves every shot. Nothing bad or annoying, just different. Neither one ever caused any type of "blinding" but it did tend to grab my attention from the target.

What I have noticed about it is that when I stand behind my son too close when he's shooting I get my hair blown back and my forehead peppered with powder particles. Don't get right behind short people, stay a foot or two back.


New member
Thanks for the replies. Doesn't look like it will really be a problem. Unless someone has anything else on porting negatives, I'm gonna go ahead & get it.

colin penno

New member
Taurus porting

I own a Taurus Model 450T and shoot hot rounds.

There is no discernable flash - let alone a "blinding flash" -
of any kind.

- colin penno
What Sam sez. Porting their guns was a idea with merit. Muzzle flash? Heck, they're going to see it anyway. Might was well give 'em a light show and that cause 'em to flinch if they're still standing. ;)


New member
Yeah, I fired full house factory 158 gr. .357 thru my wife's S&W model 60 2 1/8" barrel:eek: talk about your light show!
Same load thru my Tracker 4" ported barrel and still quite a show, but WAY easier to control. Some brands of ammo seem to make a considerable difference too, I guess faster or slower powders etc.


New member
Pros: reduces muzzle rise and allows quicker follow up shots.

Cons: increased noise, muzzle flash is more perceptible, possibility of debris being launched into your face if fired close to your body.


New member
I have a Taurus model 608 that I shoot in the local pistol club on the defensive league. The 8 ports on the front do very little to have an effect in flash capacity. It's really back on sight much faster than the Pre-agre S&W which I used to use. ( I set it aside to have the 8 shots. ) Mine's a 4" blue-coated version and my newest best friend. ring speedloaders from Speedloader.com really help out too. :)


New member
I've only shot my 85 Police in daylight but can report no noticeable muzzle flash. I can also report that porting really tames +P rounds in this extremely light revolver. Hardly any flip and very little recoil. It amazed me, actually.


New member
I'll be ordering it later this week or more likely next week and post a report. From what I've gathered from an earlier thread inquiring about this specific revolver and some other threads, I'll be the first one on TFL to own the 850 Titanium. Haven't yet seen a post of someone who actually owns one.


New member
There is so much blast from the cylinder gap and the muzzle that the porting doesn't make that much difference. Even hunting at night, there is still already so much flash that it shouldn't make a huge amount of difference.

For combat, there might be detractors, both from muzzle flash and from close firing.


New member
Ported Taurus 450T gave an 16" purple fireball with each shot in the darkened indoor range. Recoil was nil and follow up shots quick, which might be directly attributed to the ports. I think the powder used in Winchester Silvertip .45 Colt Ammo is a bit slow for the 2.25" barrel of the Taurus. Different ammo might reduce this significantly as will proper powder selection by a handloader. Muzzle signiture from the ammo used didn't really affect the shootability, and you might not even see the flash in daylight. I wouldn't want to fire one held in a retention position close to the body, but with the auditory and visual exclusion that occurs in most gunfights, I doubt it would seriously degrade ones ability to put out 5 fast rounds at the sort of ranges that firing position dictates.