Taurus Raging Bull .44 Magnum - Review


New member
As some of you might know, I had a long saga with trying to get my hands on a Raging Bull .44 Magnum, 6.5" inch barrel, for a while now. Well I'm happy to say that I was finally able to take my gun home last Tuesday, and only today was able to take it to the range and try it out.

Well, 150+ rounds later of .44 magnum, all I can say is:


This is by far the best gun I've ever had the pleasure of firing. I know there are a LOT of Taurus haters out there, and I can't speak to thier other guns, but I CAN say that the Raging Bull is among the most accurate, most comfortable, and just plain STURDY guns I've ever had the pleasure of handling.

Its a big, heavy gun to be sure, and that is definately a minus to those lucky enough to live in areas where its easy to conceal carry, but for us that can't, size isn't really an issue. Besides which, I've had my eye on a Ruger GP 100 6" barrrel for a while now, and that too is a big, heavy revolver.

Trigger and hammer on such a big gun were surprisingly light. I'm writing this review based on comparing it to my Ruger SP101 3" barrel. The SP's trigger and hammer are MUCH heavier IMO, both to cock and pull. It takes a noticable amount of more effort to cock the SP and fire it than it does the RB. THe hammer is VERY light and smooth.

Now..... recoil. Needless to say I was surprised. I'm not a big guy by any standards (5'9" and 165lbs or so), and my hands are pretty slender, but as soon as I got into the range, I had the following ammo choices:

1) 100 cartridges of 200gr "cowboy" loads from Georgia Arms. I ordered those to get used to the gun at first. They're cheap at like $50 for 100 cartridges. Listed velociity is a measly 750fps.

2) 50 rounds of Remington .44 Specials.

3) 50 rounds of 180gr .44 Mags. No idea who the maker is. Plain red box with a sticker of specs on it. The dealer told me they're high velocity .44 mags and to be careful due to my inexperince with the .44 mag.

4) 50 rounds of .357 Mags, 125gr, UMC. Velocity is something like 1450fps. Very hot load for a .357.

5) 50 rounds of Winchester .38 Specials.

Due to my trepidation, I first loaded only one round of the 200 grain cowboy loads. Heart beating, I cocked and fired..... and stood there dumbfounded. I saw the gun move a bit but other than that it was barely noticable.

Feeling brave, I loaded in the 180gr "real" .44 mags. Recoil was more noticable but at this point I was starting to wonder if those were cowboy loads too. It was just TOO comfortable and nice to shoot. Within a cylinder's worth or shots I decided to go one handed. The only difficulty there too was simply holding the heavy RB up one handed without it swaying. No issues shooting it one handed.

Growing both elated and confused (a strange combo), I pulled out my trusty SP101 and loaded the hot 125gr UMC ammo I've had for a while now. Recoil was SUBSTANTIALLY worse on the SP than the RB, but I wasn't nervous or in pain at all, like I have been before shooting the SP. I went through an antire box of 50 rounds of that ammo.

I tried about six shots of the .38 Specials and didn't even bother with it. Recoil felt like a pop gun.

I don't know what happened. I haven't went shooting in maybe 3 months, and I remember those .357 mags killed me and had my heart beating, but today it was still stout but..... nothing else. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I don't know what happened. Both the .44 mags and .357 mags were fun to shoot and I wasn't scared or shaky or in pain at all today. I've heard so many scary stories about the .44 recoil but it was a piece of cake. I'm still worried the 180gr ,44's were cowboy loads too, they were cheap at $25 a box of 50.

I dont know, but needless to say, I'm elated and VERY happy.

I collected all the brass is in box today. I shot at least 200+ rounds. Like 150 rounds of .44 mags (only 50 though of the "real" 180gr, wish I bought more!!!), and all 50 rounds of the .357.

The web of my palm is starting to bruise a bit now though, just starting to feel it, but I LOVE it.

I know I won't be able to rest though until I try some well know, proven .44 mags at 240gr., like the American Eagles or Remingtons.

All in all though, a GREAT day.

Feel free to ask any questions if your interested.

And thanks ro EVERYONE on here who helped me out in my other RB topic.


New member
Good stuff. The RB is on my want list also. I think that the porting has alot to do with the recoil. I've talked to guys that have shot S&W & Rugers that they said rocked their world but they had similar results as you with the Taurus. I like Taurus. I own a PT145 and in process of a PT738, both autos. They really made themselves a name with their revolvers.


New member
I had a Raging Bull 44 mag when they first came out. Great soft shooting 44 mag. I just hated the grips.

Mine was very accurate as well. I think the solid lock up on the crane helps.

I think you will be happy with that one.


New member
The Raging Bull has one of the better reputations among Taurus products. I don't believe I've ever heard anyone have anything bad to say about them even with all the Taurus haters on the board.

bdb benzino

New member
Glad to hear you are pleased with your choice, you sure did your research before the purchase--good job, I need to do the same and have less impulse buys!:D