Taurus PT940 Any Good?


New member
The darned thing just feels better than anything else I've seen so far, but I wonder what kind of track record this model has, since years ago I owned a Taurus PT101 .40 and it after 3 or 4 trips back to Taurus it was still a terrible gun that I ended up trading off at a loss. Was this a fluke? Should I take a chance on Taurus .40's again? The downside seems to be that if the gun isn't reliable there's not much of a market here in WV for Taurus autos. So, is a Taurus as reliable as a Sig, Ruger, or Beretta?


New member
I really like the PT-940 also... very well balanced. The price was a little steep for me at the time ($379.00) if I remember right.

I think their metal guns are just constructed more solidly than their new polymer guns. It looks good, and the safety is on the frame where it SHOULD be.

I say go for it,

Almost Online IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"


New member
I like shiny stainless on an auto, and at least they don't use that stupid polygonal rifling like the Kahr K40 uses (like to shoot lead bullets mostly). Also, it's a 10+1 clip,; I think the Kahr has a 6 shot clip. So, how reliable is the 940?


My Dad Owns a PT940 and I have thought about getting one myself. They are good Guns really. Although for some reason it likes to bite the fleshy part of his hand above his thumb. This problem however does not occure when I shoot it. He does not shoot it a lot but in about 300-400 rounds it has not given us any problems. If it fits you well I would say go for it.


New member
I have had a PT 945 for a few years with about 550 rounds through it.Never had any problems,no jams and fairly accurate. I like the looks- kind of SIG-ISH. Also had a PT 92
that I sold but never had any problems.My experience with Tarus autos has been good.



New member
My dad's got the 9 mm version, the PT911. He has the same problem that Kevinw described, with it actually drawing blood the last time he took it out. However, its one of his favorite guns. I have zero experience with it, but it does feel good in the hand. He hasn't had any feeding problems with it, so the same could probably be expected from the .40. I agree with the others. If the price is right, go for it.


New member
I have had a PT100 since about when they first came out. About 8 years I guess. I have only had to send it back because of the finish. It shoots very good, and I have only had problems with Fiochi ammo. I would have to guess you got a bad one out of the lot.
As for the hammer bite, I had that problem with a P9 and it is all in your grip. I have to pay attention to how I hold it. I fire right and left handed, and it doesn't bite when I shoot left handed, just right. I wish it were interchangable like the 1911, so I could get a big beaver tail to put on it. I have contimplated changing hammers but never got around to it.


New member
oops... already responded... must have been late ;)

[This message has been edited by Ben (edited July 21, 2000).]


New member
Well, looks like its back to the drawing board ... on the Taurus Forum, some guy mentioned he'd heard rumors of unreliability concerning this gun, and that's enough to put the prospective purchase on hold until I can find out more.

Thanks for all your help, TFL'ers!