Taurus PT92 No Rail


New member
Today in a pawn shop I saw a Taurus PT92 that did not have the rail. I have never seen one without the rail. Can someone here tell me about these? Is it special edition, no longer made, when it might have been made, etc.


New member
I bought one new in 1990. It does not have a rail or decocker. I not the biggest Taurus fan but this is a great pistol. It goes bang every time and shoots great.


New member
As you can tell from my member-name I love the gun twofold as 1) It was the first handgun that I actually purchased 2) It's just THE gun that I can shoot 'lights-out' with like no other gun I own.

Mine was purchased mid-90's and, of course, that was prior to "rail-mania" which personally I think are rarely needed absent a tactical like role (but hey that's me...). First time I saw a rail on a 1911 I cried a bit and then heard JMB role over in his grave...

But yeah, you can still get the "rail-less" model:



New member
If the price is reasonable and you like the gun, go for it. There's a lot of Taurus detractors out there, but I think even they will concede that the PT-92/99 series is probably the best guns they every put out. My old two were great shooters, but I got rid of them during a time when I was purging the 9mm from my list of calibers. Looking back, I should have kept those guns.