Taurus PT1911 ?


New member
i keep seeing these at the shows,they look and feel great. any thing i should be aware of befor i bring one home?


Don't own one, but I've heard reports of:
-poor internal machining
-non-standard parts used in some places

Range toy? Sure.

Competition or service/self-defense work? Not so much.

I've not seen anyone shooting a Taurus 1911 at the local pistol matches I've been to in the last six months. I'm certainly not a big fish in that pond and I'm closer in ranking to the novices than the masters, but you notice what people tend to run when reliability matters.

Springfield, Colt, STI and older (Oregon) Kimbers are the dominant guns.

Officer's Match

New member
Evidently a mixed bag of results, but the one I had was not a good shooter, it was a spectacular shooter, easily bettering all but my top shelf 1911's (Baer, Brown, Wilson and Springer Customshop).

Onward Allusion

New member
Owned one. Internal firing mechanism non-standard (whatever that means) - BUT can't drop a .22LR conversion kit onto the frame. QA hit or miss, although it would appear that it's getting better. It missed with mine. It's a range toy as far as I'm concerned.

I would have to say that it IS a good value for the money if you get one that is not made on a Monday or Friday. :)

Taurus PT1911 ?
i keep seeing these at the shows,they look and feel great. any thing i should be aware of befor i bring one home?


New member
Bought one because of the price and I wanted to sample the 1911 platform before dropping a wad on a more expensive brand. So far no major problems, but I have only put about 400 rounds through it. The few jams I had were the result of cheap magazines. The factory ones work fine. Accuracy and trigger are fine. I own two other Tauri and have not had any major malfunctions yet, but from reading other posts I'm afraid my luck may run out.


New member
Don't own one, but I've heard reports of:

Oh wow...there goes that quote again..."I've heard reports of"

There has been a number of people who have had issues with their PT1911, but if you look around this forum you will see almost equal complaints about Kimbers, Colts and other various manufacturers of 1911's.

Best advice..see if you can rent one and fire it for yourself. You will find plenty of people on this forum who love them and those who hate RUGER . I love mine..and I also love my buddies Kimber also, and vice versa.

Good Luck with your decision.

Qwiks draw

Here's the scoop on the Taurus PT1911.

There are links withn the links that will need to be gone through.
I can bring 75 pages of links for those who own Taurus PT1911s, use them for IDPA, or trust their lives to them and for good well thought out reasons. Common sense also figures into all this as well for the owners.

Even Massad Ayoob who is ultra-critical of guns, and well he should be, praised the PT1911.


New member
I own two other Tauri and have not had any major malfunctions yet, but from reading other posts I'm afraid my luck may run out.

cleet, your luck isn't going to run out. I've had a few Tauri over the past couple of decades and never a problem. Although I don't own a PT1911, I wouldn't hesitate for a minute, if I was in the market for one. If you read the links provided by Qwiks draw, you can see what the actual owners have to say. I have read them and the reviews are quite positive.

Go by your experience with any gun or manufacturer and not the remarks made by a few in this forum.

The same gang of Taurus haters show up on thread after thread here.


New member
I own a PT1911 and it has performed flawlessly.

I put 500 rounds through it out of the box with no issues. Took it home, cleaned it and it has been running without error since.

And for those who want to know, I bought this gun in August of 2007, and it has seen constant use at the range.


New member
i was trying to see if anyone could talk me out of it. i guess i will be posting pic's and a range report soon. i have several taurus revolvers and have never had an issue with them. if the quality in their autos are like what i have found in those i should be fine. it sounds like most people have found them to shoot and feed well. i am looking forward to it . it will be my first 1911. i appreciate all the of the advise both for and against.


New member
I would take a look at the STI Spartan before you make a purchase. I personally do not like Taurus, but many people have had good luck. However, the Spartan is priced very similarily and it has gotten nothing but rave reviews. Trigger and the fitting controls as well as slide to frame fit is much better than on the Pt1911's


New member
I've put about 600 rounds through mine. I'm getting kinna tired of people talking down on the PT1911 and haven't even fired one.

Don't knock it, till you've operated it.

Mine runs flawless. Even the factory mags ran well. I ran 3 mags worth through both factory mags and they were broke in and haven't had an issue since.

It's not the prettiest bluing job in the world, the fitting may not be perfect either but the thing is a dump truck, you just load it with anything and unload. It'll do the rest.

Yes I have heard of issues but 8 or 9 times out of 10 I've heard good reports and now I've added mine to the good reports side.


New member
Mine broke a slide stop at a little over 6,000 rnds,quick fix.
I use it for IDPA and have had better results than most shooting cdp div.
And Im the only one shooting a PT1911.
That said My daily carry is a Colt,and I have two other 1911's.
I shoot the Taurus in competition because its more accurate than the others,
not as pretty but it is a shooter.


New member
A store near me rents a PT-1911 as their .45. I LOVE IT! It's a fantastic 1911 Clone with amazing weight, feel and balance (when what 1911 doesn't?!). The gun's gone through tens of thousands of rounds, easily, with no problems and everytime I used it (I used it a few times) it worked without a hicup, was easy to use and hit dead on 10's at 7meters when I slowed down. I'd suggest it based on that.


New member
I have had one for about 6 months and have only put a few boxes of rounds through it...all of those were flawless. It shoots to point of aim and like others have said if your aim is good you'll be a happy owner.


New member

Salesman talked me into buying mine a couple years ago, said it had options I would eventually put into another brand, glad he did, saved me $$$ and it has been perfect! Round count? I didn't keep count past the first ammo can of 1000. Shoots everything from junky leftovers to reloads to the good stuff. Fine weapon, nice price and an unbiased salesman, great combo.


New member
I was thinking about trading mine in and "upgrading", but after reading the above I think I'll hang on to it for awhile. I don't want to be adding a post saying, "I wish I hadn't traded that in."


Member In Memoriam

How many times do I read, " dont own one, BUT, parts are not this or that"! If not owned, just how do folks know the bad side of ANY weapon. Over and over we hear praises of Massad Ayoob and how his word should be gospel, yet even after him stating that the PT1911 is a wonderful weapon many still curse the gun and call it a POS simply because "its a Taurus"!!! I own one, shot perhaps 700- 800 rds and narry a hicup, true its not a Wilson or other $2000.00 gun, BUT it hits what I aim at and goes bang when the trigger is pulled. What more does the AVG. shooter require?


New member
Over and over we hear praises of Massad Ayoob and how his word should be gospel, yet even after him stating that the PT1911 is a wonderful weapon many still curse the gun and call it a POS simply because "its a Taurus"!!!

Excellent point senior! These guys use a different set of rules when it comes to Taurus.

The vast majority ow people who actually own the PT1911 love it. As a matter of fact, we read over and over again that the PT1911's shoot as well as the high dollar models.

Here's a quote from someone who I have allot of respect for:

Evidently a mixed bag of results, but the one I had was not a good shooter, it was a spectacular shooter, easily bettering all but my top shelf 1911's (Baer, Brown, Wilson and Springer Customshop).

Gun bashers have no credibility whatsoever! None! Nada!



New member
Clark Custom, makers of the drop in 460 Rowland conversion, lists the Taurus as one of their "DON'T DO IT" models. It (the Taurus) is listed with other 1911's that are made with inferior metals and/or tempering. Perhaps this says something as to their quality, like Taurus's love of MIM parts.:(