Taurus PT145


New member
A couple of years ago I used to own a Mil-Pro 9. I liked it OK at the time. I decided today to buy a PT-145 for carry this summer. Except for the extra recoil is there any differece in the performance?

Also, I'm not going to pay allot for this gun. They are hard to find on the Internet so I'll have to make my dealer an offer he can't refuse. $300 sound OK?


New member
I bought my PT145 Mil Pro for about $300 including shipping last year from Buds Gun Shop. I believe Taurus has upped their prices some so you might have to pay more more like $330 for delivered. Don't tell your dealer that, though ;)

BTW - I love mine. Power, capacity, ease of use, reliability, etc., etc.



My PT 145 Mill Pro

I have nothing but total satisfaction to express regarding my PT 145 Mill Pro. It is controllable, reliable, delivers a sufficient number (10+1) of a famous caliber (.45ACP), concealable, safety-features-loaded, reasonably priced, and backed-up by a great warranty (things mechanical- ALL things mechanical -can/do fail, regardless of name brand or outlandish pricing. This faithful companion of mine has got even me to believe that I could shoot pretty accurately.:)

It has earned my respect/admiration enough to cause me to buy one for each of my two sons.


New member
I think the PT140 recoils more than the 145, or at least more "sharply". The Mil Pro 145 is a great gun.


New member
I'm extremely pleased with the PT111SSP-12 and intend to purchase the same in .45acp. Let us know how pleased you are with the PT145 once you get it home, cleaned and tested.


New member
I'll do that Trip. I ordered one today from my dealer. I couldn't find Rocky and Quido to break his knee caps for me, so I had to settle for $315.00 ;)


New member
Don't feel so bad, I settled for $329 + tax locally at a Gander Mountain. I couldn't find it on-line for cheaper when figuring shipping and FFL transfer fee. Still a good value in my humble opinion.