Taurus PT140 Pro range report w/pics


New member
My wife's brother and I each purchased a new Taurus Millennium Pro PT140 this week and we took 'em to the range tonight. Not a bad little pistol at all for only $300 - we each sent about 160 rounds downrange with no stoppages at all, using UMC 180gr bulk pack, Federal Premium 180gr Hydra-Shok and Federal Premium 165gr HST. The 180 grain Hydra-Shoks printed closest to POA for me at 50ft,a little low and slightly left, and I even managed a 4 inch 10 shot group at that range from a rest - much better than I expected given the 3" barrel and my experience with an auto pistol. The DA only trigger pull is about what you'd expect - long and stiff, but predictable. Recoil is certainly snappy but not uncomfortable. These are planned for CCW use in the very near future and I'm more than satisfied with how this small pistol performed on it's first night out.

Eye Candy:

4 inch group at 50 feet:
I'm a current owner of a MIL-PRO 40 and its a great little gun. I've got over 400 rounds out of mine with no failures. Your 4 inch group at 50 feet is pretty consistent with how mine shoots, not bad for a 3 inch barrelled pistol.:D I hope to have my CCW within 2 weeks, the MIL-PRO will be my carry gun.:D


New member
Congrads and a good choice. I think that Taurus has come a long way and have make many good and reliable handguns. I have a 24/7 45ACP and a PT909SS 9mm. Both guns are flawless at the range everytime.


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I'm also a proud owner of a Millennium Pro 145. It's my CCW all day everyday for almost 2 years. I trust her with my life. You can even use the High-caps from the 24/7 line in your Millennium Pro's caliber as I do with my 145 Pro... it becomes 12+1 and sticks out just a bit. Imagine 15+1 from your 140 Pro.
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New member
You can even use the High-caps from the 24/7 line in your Millenniums

you better not be pulling my leg because if that is the case i am going to go get one for my 145milpro and that would be great for CCW.
I didn't realize the 24/7 magazines will work in the MIL-PRO series, now I'm gonna buy a 24/7 40 magazine that holds 15 rounds. 15 rounds of 40 in my MIL-PRO will be sweet!! :D Thanks for the tip guys.:D


New member
Question: Why are you shooting at 50 feet? Just to see what it can do?

That's the full length of my club's indoor range and I did want to see what it was capable of. Most of the time I'll probably be doing 25yd one handed practice or something else more relevant to it's intended use :)

Kaiser - Interesting tip on the 24/7 mags - got a pic of one inserted in a MIL-PRO? I'm not sure I'd want another 1"+ longer grip for CCW use but the idea does intrigues me.


New member
Hey Guys,

Here's that pic that you requested. I also just purchased the stainless slide to compliment the original blued slide I had purchased my 145 Pro with about two years ago. Sorry, but I couldnt find my X2 laser/light to attach for my pic...It's somewhere in my bedroom. ;)

DSCN0003 (2).JPG


New member
Well, from what I've heard the older Millenniums mags are not compatible with the Pro mags...except for the 145 they have the same part number for the Mil Pro and older Pro. From what I remember from hanging out at my old bosses shop they are two completely different part numbers for the other calibers in the millennium and Mil Pro series. Well, I'm going to call Taurus probably on Monday to order some mags for my girlfriends new 9mm Mil Pro that I just Purchased. It came with two 12 rounders so I'm going to order two more of those for her. I'm also going to order 4 of the 17 round 24/7 magazines so that I can have some fun out of her Mil Pro. She doesnt know this little tid bit just yet, and luckily she doesnt know about this forum. :D


New member
25 yards!!?? I was thinking 50 feet to be long range.

Sorry, meant 25ft. Here I had you all impressed and stuff :D

At the gunshow here last weekend they let me try out the 24/7 mag in a Mil-pro and it does snap right in. I didn't really like the extra length though, and it felt funny in the hand, but if I can find a spacer or extension sleeve for it, it has possibilities for range use. Thanks for the pic.


New member
Ok. Since we sort of got on the subject of magazines. I have heard a rumor that the double stack Para .45 mags work in the Mil PRO 45. Now, please no one run out and buy a Para 15 round double stack mag. But If anyone ever has the opportunity to try it out let us know. I'm curious to see if it really works.