Taurus PT111 G2 vs. 24/7 G2 - Conceal Carry


New member
I recently got my CHL/CCW (whaterever you call it in your area). The only gun I own is a Fullsize S&W M&P 9, so that is what I have been carrying as often as I can in a Galco Triton IWB holsters. It is not too tough to carry now when I can wear sweaters and jackets, but I worry about spring/summer when those are no longer viable here in Texas. And here in Texas, those seasons start in about a month and a half.
So, I am looking at guns I could possibly use my M&P9 as trade-in for that are smaller and lighter and more likely to conceal better for me. I have 4 hungry teenagers, so additional funds are not that easy to come by. This brought me to these two Taurus models. I read about issues of reliability with Taurus, but it seems like that might be in the past. Anyone shot one or both of these? Even better, anyone carry either of these? Wondering your thoughts....

Thanks in advance for any thoughts. I love my M&P, but I just can't see carrying it from mid-March through October.
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New member
I own and have carried for years, a PT145. Its the newer generation, and has been 100% reliable...Don't know if I would trade an M&P for a Taurus, but I have zero complaints with mine. However, I'm sure most gun shops would have no problem trading you even up.

tristar viper

New member
I'm not an M&P fan necessarily, but I wouldn't trade one for a Taurus probably. Taurus quality, while I think it truly has gotten better, is still hit and miss. You might get a good gun or you might not.

Chris Van

New member
I got rid of a Glock 26 because it kept jamming EVERY time my wife would shoot it. It would shoot fine with me but with her, it may shoot once or it may shoot 3 times. But it was guaranteed to jam with her.
Recently picked up a Taurus millineum pro and no issues whatsoever. Soo far anyway.
But it's still a little big for me to consider a "concealed carry". I'm thinking this one may be a "leave in the truck" and I'm leaning towards an LCP for a CCW.


New member
Thanks in advance for any thoughts. I love my M&P, but I just can't see carrying it from mid-March through October.

I live in Southern Arizona and carry a Glock 19 all year round. I'm confident I could carry a 17 also, with no trouble (and have carried a Glock 21 in 100 degree weather with T-Shirt and Shorts, just to prove I could...). The trick, and I tell this to everyone, is dress around the gun. Get a good IWB holster (which you have), and wear a T-Shirt that's one size bigger than what you normally wear. If that's not practical (keeping in mind, that deciding to carry a gun is already a huge lifestyle change...changing your wardrobe a bit shouldn't be difficult), then I'd personally stay away from carrying the Taurus. Tauri are fine range guns, but I'd never trust one with my life.

I bet your wife would love for you to want to go change your wardrobe a bit...my wife certainly did. :)

I got rid of a Glock 26 because it kept jamming EVERY time my wife would shoot it. It would shoot fine with me but with her, it may shoot once or it may shoot 3 times. But it was guaranteed to jam with her.

A bit off topic, but was it stovepiping (spent casing getting caught in the slide) with her? If so, it wasn't the gun, it was your wife. She was limp wristing. Basically, the gun was recoiling, she wasn't holding it strong enough and there wasn't enough energy in the slide to fully cycle the gun. This happened with my wife's first gun. She'd fire it and it would stovepipe every other round. I'd fire it with no issues. She claimed it was the gun, I told her what she was doing wrong. She disagreed and got mad at me, so I asked a worker at the range to help her out...turned out I was right, but I was smart enough not to say, "I told you so." The couch isn't very comfortable.

Chris Van

New member
That is exactly what it was doing Gaerek. However, if she can't shoot it too, it wasn't much use to us. She hasn't had any issues with the Taurus thus far.
As far as fit and feel, I really can't tell the difference between the 2. But I'm no expert on handguns either.


New member
That is exactly what it was doing Gaerek. However, if she can't shoot it too, it wasn't much use to us. She hasn't had any issues with the Taurus thus far.
As far as fit and feel, I really can't tell the difference between the 2. But I'm no expert on handguns either.

If you're happy with your Taurus, that's awesome. But I'd recommend the both of you taking some kind of hand gun class. Most of them will go over the basics of grip and stance, and it should allow your wife to shoot any gun, even the G26 without issues. Getting professional instruction is probably one of the best expenditures of money you can make after you've bought a gun. 4-8 hours in a class, you'll learn more and be a better shooter than if you'd just shot $200 worth of ammo without instruction.

Chris Van

New member
She hasn't had a problem with any other gun. It was just that particular one. She has been through formal training as well as 6 years in the military, also with firearms training. And I'm certainly no firearms expert but I'm not one of these new guys at the range that we hear these stories about either. I do appreciate the input though, just giving you a little background so you didn't take me or the wife as one of the new breed of knee jerk reaction gun owners.


New member
mcd, I just shot a millenium pro PT111 and I was very impressed. My only complaint was the long trigger as it does have DA second strike capability. So, in SA there is a long pull before the break, with a little grit. But the reset is short so it's only the first shot. I purposely let the trigger come all the way forward and after 3 or 4 shots I was used to it.

At 10-12 yards I was just as accurate with it as I was my M&P 9mm. The gun is very light. It's also fairly compact but still holds 12+1.


New member
I have a 24/7 PRO C in .40. This has been a very accurate and reliable gun. Bought it used at a fair price and now have over 500 rounds of everything through it with no issues.

Bought it with the intent to carry but it is a bit heavy. Can't argue with 12 rounds of .40 though.

All the Best,
D. White