Taurus Lifetime Warranty....NOT!

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I'm posting this just to vent and not to start a flame war or whatever so take it for what it's worth and go on with your lives. It's long and ugly so you've been warned

I had an old Taurus .38 ( model 80 ) that was worn out...cylinder notches worn and Lord knows what else wrong with it. Trashed. Anyway in mid January I called Taurus to ask if they would repair it under the lifetime warranty. As I tried to give the serial number to the rude lady in customer service she cuts me off in mid-sentence and says lifetime warranty, send it in. Ok good.

* I ship it UPS next day ( $40 some dollars:mad: ). I track it, Taurus received it 1/23.

* On 1/30 I call just to make sure everything is cool...same rude lady says they don't have any record of it and yells at me when I try to say it was signed for a week ago by whomever UPS has as signing for it. She says I'll have it back in 3 or 4 weeks. Fine

* 2/6 I get a letter from Taurus stating that repairs on my gun should take 3 to 4 weeks and thanks for buying Taurus or something like that

*2/14 I call to see what's going on. Nice lady tells me it's in repair and I should have it back next week

*2/27 I call and rude man tells me it's still in repair and the lady on 2/14 should not have told me it would be back last week. Repairs take 5 weeks ( ?) and I should have it back the next week

*3/9 I call AGAIN, another rude lady tells me that parts are on order and it could be another 2 weeks. Previous 2 people shouldn't have told me it would be back because parts have been on order

*3/19 7 WEEKS LATER I get a letter from Taurus stating that they can't get parts for my gun and the lifetime warranty doesn't apply. Send $200 for a replacement gun

*3/20 I call and another rude lady tells me that because my old gun was imported by someone other than Taurus the lifetime warranty isn't applicable. I say yeah but....it says "TAURUS" all over it. Doesn't matter. Send $200 for a new gun. I ask for a supervisor, she transfers me to voicemail and I leave a message asking for a call back.

*3/22 Still no callback, I call and ask for a supervisor. I get a guy named Christian who tells me that I'm out of luck and it shouldn't have taken them 7 weeks to tell me that but they logged my gun under the wrong model number and it's been just sitting there at the factory. He says he can give me a new gun ( model 82 ) for $150 and that's my only option. Very unapologetic about the whole deal and the fact that he hasn't had a chance to check his voicemail "this week".

So in a nutshell I paid $150 plus the $40-some-dollars shipping to take advantage of Taurus' "lifetime warranty". And I had to wait over 7 weeks just for the privilege of getting the real story. I mean it was an old beater and $150 to replace it is fair enough but the whole thing was handled so poorly that I'm done with Taurus. I'll keep the one's I have but I sure as heck won't ever buy another. They signed for my money order last Friday the 23rd so now I get to wait around and see how long the replacement takes to arrive. Live and learn I guess.
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New member
First, let me say I don't own a Taurus. I've handled a few and shot one, but they just didn't do IT for me (whatever it is). I'm a Ruger man through and through, though I've never had the opportunity to take advantage of their service dept. I haven't broken one yet. LOL.

As to customer service, this is one of those situations where Taurus could've hooked a lifetime customer and all it would've cost them was $150.00. If they'd just sent you a new gun gratis, maybe even kicked in another $40.00 to cover your shipping charges, you would've come to the forum with a great story that may have convinced other people to buy Tauri.

But alas, they blew it..........
"Live and learn I guess."

Their name is on the gun and they weasel their way out of it by giving you the "option" to buy another gun?

I'd tell them to kiss my fat hairy, ahem, TOE, and inpolitely let them know where my hard earned money is going...

Redneck basically hit the nail on the head.


New member
I'm a Ruger man through and through, though I've never had the opportunity to take advantage of their service dept. I haven't broken one yet. LOL.

You'll like this then...I had been saving my pennies to buy a Taurus .44 Mag but since this whole mess I've decided on a stainless Super Blackhawk instead. I've also passed on the Taurus 85 I was going to buy and bought a S& W 442 instead so it's their loss. I guess you could say Taurus has forced me to raise my standards :cool:


New member
Oh the Super BH is nice. I'm not much of a SA fan but if I were gonna own one that would be it. I've got a SRH in .454. Was going to sell it but at this point I think it will be staying with me.


That's absurd. And you've got it all documented. Now, to balance things a bit, MANY manufacturers of products will tell you that a "lifetime" warranty means the useful life of the product (i.e a TV is 5-10 years), but since a gun should literally last a lifetime or 3, that doesn't apply. So there's no excuse for how you were treated, IMO. Doubt I'll ever get another Taurus, after stories like these. Although I have had no problems with the ones I own.


New member
A friend of mine had a similar situation where they gave him the run around about a semi-auto. After 2 months of bs, my friend threatened to use legal action and they changed their tune real quick. Needless to say, my friend or I will not be buying anymore Taurus.


New member
I figure they advertise the "Lifetime Warranty" for a good reason: that's how long it'll take to get their guns fixed!

As a matter of fact I AM an expert AND stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night!!


New member
Beretta, no doubt about it; you had a really bad experience and that is sad. On the other hand, every time I have called Taurus I have spoken with very nice, courteous and helpful people. Some female, some male but always helpful.

I always knew what I was paying and what I would be receiving for my money. Only problem I every had was with FedEx who did not leave a box of moon clips at my door (wife was not home at that time) requiring me to drive some 30 miles one way to the FedEx terminal. I was told that they thought it was a gun and so did not leave it at the door.



Look's like I can scratch Taurus off my list off desirable guns! Anybody else making a replica of the Win 61?



New member
This is not the first story like this about Taurus. I have heard numerous stories about their questionable "lifetime" warranty.
Another company I have heard bad things about warranty issues is EAA Witness.
Want good warranty? Remember these names......Sturm Ruger and also Smith & Wesson.


New member
I just received a pistol back today that was sent off to have the magazine release repaired.

It took 7.29 weeks from the date they received the pistol, to the date it arrived at my FFL (today).

I was told by Taurus customer service, and on a Taurus forum, that Taurus is currently at a 6 - 8 weeks turn-round time for repairs.

I didn't contact Taurus for an update/progress report until the pistol had been gone for 6 weeks.

I do remember the female customer service clerks being very brisk, rude, and "bothered" by my inquiry. I'm definitely not a fan of their customer service.


New member
Remember these names......Sturm Ruger and also Smith & Wesson

I agree. In the interest of fairness I should say that I have had warranty issues with both Glock and S&W and both companies were OUTSTANDING in the way they handled the situations. Both companies have me as a fan for life. As a matter of fact my past experience with S&W ( combined with this fiasco with Taurus ) is the reason I decided to pass on buying that Taurus 85 and spend the extra $150 to get a S&W 442 instead. So I guess I'm saying I do know good customer service when I see it and Taurus isn't it. At least in my book

Now I'm wondering how long it'll be before I see the replacement gun from Taurus:rolleyes:


New member
Thankyou because I've always seen reasonably priced revolvers under the Taurus name and wondered about getting one. Now thanks to this review I know I will never buy a Taurus firearm.


New member
I have never had an issue with my Taurus revolvers. A friend had to send one back and when they couldn't fix the problem, they replaced the gun. Total turn around time , about 4 weeks.
I lived in Miami for 10 years...

...and all I can say is that the people, at best, are rude and have a don't give a chit attitude...that manner of being is carried over in to government, business, and even health care institutions, where if you have a gripe, too ^7*%4#@ bad. Lesson learned...unfortunately it was on your dime.

Harry Callahan

New member
I've a good mind to...

Email Taurus just to let them know I will never, EVER purchase one of their products. I have also heard the Taurus horror stories when it comes to customer service and wouldn't even consider giving them one dime of my money. Sorry you had to learn the hard way but thanks for letting the rest of us know how to save time and aggravation by buying something else.:mad:


New member
Taurus guns are crudely made in Brazil, not of very good quality, Taurus international here in the states imports them, they are truely poor quality firearms
"Taurus guns are crudely made in Brazil, not of very good quality, Taurus international here in the states imports them, they are truely poor quality firearms"

I'm not a fan of some Taurus products, BUT...

I don't think I totally agree with that statement. I think the newer Millineum Pros and the PT1911s are a good value. There are a few models of revolvers that fall in "a good value" catagory.

"Crudely made in Brazil"? Care to clarify?
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