Taurus Judge Question


New member
At the range yesterday one of the students had a Taurus Judge and was shooting 45 Colts. I was standing at 5 o'clock observing/coaching and when the gun was fired I was peppered, I believe it was powder but am not positive. I then moved to the 6 o'clock position and was still getting hit but not as much. The shooter was getting peppered also and upon inspection i do not see a loose forcing cone gap but do see a lot of powder particals on the fram in front of the cylinder.
Is this a Taurus Judge common issue or is there something else we should be looking at?
I do not think it was spitting lead, but am not positive.
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New member
Taurus is a common problem, search these forums people have had bad experience with the Judge, Get the new S&W Governor.

Taurus with lose cylinder is a common problem.


New member
I have shot .410 and .45's out of my friends Judge and had no issues at all. In fact, I was very suprised how nicely I grouped the .45's! Better than the .40 Glock I was shooting that day.


New member
Mine does that a little bit but not as bad as you describe. If the guy bought it new I'd suggest he send it in. I do believe that condition can be improve a little but not completely.


New member
That's common with a lot of revolvers, not just the Judge (although my wife's judge doesn't do it).

My 642 did, all it takes is a bit of dressing up the forcing cone, taking off the sharp edges.


New member
all it takes is a bit of dressing up the forcing cone, taking off the sharp edges.

So that sounds like the forcing cone isn't properly tapered?
What should a good fit be if checked with a feeler gauge?


New member
No its not the gap I'm talking about. Take a cone shaped stone (moto tool type) stick it in the cone turn it with your fingers until all the sharp edges of on the inside of the cone is smooth. Don't take much but it goes a long way in elimating the spitting.


New member
^ Just about everyone who owns a judge has problems, because its a Taurus! I have only found like 2 good reviews on them, and those people havn't even shot more than 200 rounds....

I would never trust a gun company with a bad rep, anything larger than a .22lr in a revolver, because when it blows up I do not want to get hurt or other shooters in their lanes, all because of some company can not make a gun. :barf: If zombies where chasing and trying to kill me I hope they have some 357/38/judge taurus guns on them :rolleyes::eek: I got the honor:barf: to hold a taurus mod 94 at a gun show, I tryed DA, it sucked. I did not even want to inspect it further. Prehaps if taurus spent more time on QC and checking their weapons before leaving the factory, and made $40~$70 changes to fix all the errors in their pos revolvers, I would buy one, still way cheaper than a S&W 22lr revolver


New member
9mm, guess you did a survey of all the judge owners huh? Seems to me you have no reason to post a reply other than to bash.Maybe you should keep your opinion to yourself because it isn't worth ****. You have never owned one yet feel you are an expert on the subject. Your gun bashing snobby attitude makes me wanna :barf:.


New member
Two of my co-workers/occasional shooting buddies bought a Judge.

One has shot it once...one cylinder of .45LC, which he thought was quite a handful, and patterned like a shotgun at 21 feet, and a few rounds of .410, which were far worse.

The other has never shot his (to my knowledge).
IMHO, that is the kind of shooter who buys a Judge...someone who is impressed with it it in theory, but never finds out if it works in practice.

I already own a .45LC revolver and have no use for a 2" barreled shotgun.

I'll go with Jim March's assessment: http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=447792


New member
You will not offend the OP (Me) in any Taurus/Judge bashing you do in this thread. I referred to the student in this situation as the guy with the "Saturday Night Special" when he placed it on the shooting table and the performance and peppering I and the shooter received with every shot he took kind of reinforced my negative initial assessment. My plan is to forward the information i receive from this thread to the owner. He is very thick skinned and can take any comment thrown his way.
Thank you and keep them coming.

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Seen it shooting with 45 colt but not with slugs, he might want to change his ammo choice or just be sure to wear glasses when he shoots.