Taurus customer service experience. Excellent.


New member
Last week I returned my Taurus 24/7 PRO C to Taurus in Miami
for repair of a firing pin spring assembly, This is a first generation
24/7 manufactured in 2007. I bought this gun used in October
of last year.

Taurus has implemented a new “restricted parts” policy which
covers most “internal” parts in their guns. The part I needed fell
into this category. Restricted parts must be installed by Taurus
requiring your gun be sent to their facility in Miami.

After a few phone calls and letters to Taurus I finally broke down
and shipped my pistol to them through a local Taurus dealer. They
quoted me $25 for shipping. Darn shame when I would have gladly
paid Taurus $8.00 plus shipping for the part.

Gun arrived at Taurus last Friday 9/27. I got it back fixed yesterday
10/1. All items fixed and test fired.

When I went to pick it up the dealer said Taurus picked up the
shipping both ways. Couldn't believe it. Now, whether Taurus did
this because shipper was an authorized dealer, or they had other
stuff to send with mine, they didn't say.

So, the $8.00 part got repaired for a total of $0 out of my pocket.

When Taurus says “Lifetime Warranty” they apparently mean it.

I am beyond pleased with this level of service.

All the Best,
D. White
That's good news. I keep looking @ their 1911 line.. Wondering if a Commander is coming eventually, or perhaps I am missing something when I browse their website...

I think this company is chugging along despite the haters. Enjoy your fixed up gun.


New member
I got a REALLY good deal on this pistol. Primary
reason I bought it. Thing was in almost new condition.
Very little wear on the rails, etc. My bet is someone
bought it for concealed carry and had a change of
heart after pulling the trigger on the first round of
.40. It's a compact so it has some kick.

If you buy their 1911, or their PT-92, you can use
aftermarket parts for it because it is a 1911 or
Beretta M9 clone.

The "restricted parts" thing is a real problem for them
and they know it. Apparently it's a QA thing. With five
day turn-around, I'll live with sending it in.

All the Best,
D. White


New member
I have had two good experiences with Taurus CS. First I bought a Rossi 642 new and after a lot of dry firing, the transfer bar broke (it is very thin already, but you could see where a nick/machine mark was too deep and caused a stress riser. Called Taurus, they asked no questions other than the model number and part name, and my address. They overnighted a new part to my door for no charge.

Second, I bought a 738 tcp used. Upon disassembly I noticed the ejector was MISSING! It is a tiny thing that fits in the frame and can potentially fall out. So I called Taurus, same thing. sent it to my place of work in a tiny padded envelope. Arrived in about two days.

Now neither of these are fitted parts, so YMMV, but I was impressed.
Now, the first situation didn't leave me impressed with the quality control, but customer service was great


New member
Glad to hear it went well, went quickly, and they picked up shipping both ways.

That's how it is supposed to work. It's also not how Taurus has always done it. The CEO was saying they are committed to improvement in this arena. More stories like this and I'll even believe it.

James K

Member In Memoriam
I hope the change is true and permanent. Taurus has taken a lot of heat over their CS and it had nowhere to go but up. Now if they can improve their overall quality so as to reduce problems in the first place, and keep their prices reasonable they could be a winner.



New member
Taurus has been on a bit of a campaign to get the word out that they KNEW their customer service (especially the turn-around time) was a major problem and that they wanted to re-invent themselves in that regard.

This thread & the original post is quality evidence, I hope to see a lot, --LOT-- more. I should think word will get around if they deliver on this latest statement.


New member
I believe a lot of their problems come from Brazil. Whatever
Brazil sends them is what they get. Miami has to take all
the flak for all the problems.

Taurus may claim to test fire them in Brazil but there's no
way of knowing. Once they get here they ship out as
they are. If it failed in Brazil and they shipped it anyway
someone's getting junk.

Another forum said Miami may begin ding their own test
firing before shipping them out to distributors. Might help
them a LOT.

All the Best,
D. White


New member
Sooner or later they will have to change their ways. {or not} I myself have steered a half dozen people away from Taurus due to their track record. There's too many other options to bother rolling the dice with Taurus. I wonder if they have had a drop off in sales which has prompted a change.

BTW, I do own a Taurus. I still wouldn't advise someone, {especially a new gun owner} to buy their products.