Taurus CIA

Doug S

New member
I will be pick up my blued Taurus Model 650 next week. Today the dealer (where I placed my order) told me there were some demensional differences between the CIA 850 (38) and the 650 (357). Specifically he said that the 650 was the same as the Taurus Model 605 while the 850 was the same as the Taurus Model 85. I was under the impression that the 850 and 650 were pretty much identical. The Taurus website does not note any differences. I've owned both the 605 and 85 and although they are built on the same frame there is a noticable difference in size between the two models (2 1/4in barrel versus 2in barrel). Thanks for any info.

Eric Larsen

New member
I played with both at a local shop just this week, I am thinking of getting the 650. There is a difference in the guns. The cylinder on the .357 is slightly bigger and its slightly heavier.....I will still get a 650..nice gun.

Shoot well


The 650 is very slightly larger than a 85. However, the boot grip is the exact same size which is great for smaller hands. The 650's a great gun.

Doug S

New member
I picked up my 650 CIA after work today. I didn't get a chance to shoot it yet, but judging by appearance I'm very happy with it. The fit and finish seem very good and it comes in a very nice lockable plastic case instead of the usual Taurus cardboard box. I had the chance to compare the 650 and the 850 (38) side by side today. They look virtually identical in size (possibly a 1/10in difference and not noticable to the eye). It appears to be a very nice revo and also one of the smallest 357's I've seen. I'll post again after my first range session.

Doug S

New member
Just got back from the range after putting 50 rounds through my new CIA. This gun has a very nice trigger (nicer than any of the Taurus revolvers I've shot). The trigger makes it very easy to shoot this gun accurately. Actually during the first cylinder full, (on two occasions 2nd and 4th shot) I went to pull the trigger and the cylinder didn't rotate because I had not allowed the trigger to go all the way forward after firing. I've never done this before and attribute it to the light trigger. Once I was conciously aware of this I proceeded to fire the next 45 rounds without a hitch. I really like this gun and highly recommend it.


New member
so what size is the 650?

not many folks stock holsters for it, so which other taurus revolver will fit the bill (ie, the 85, 605 etc)


Eric Larsen

New member
I was playing with a CIA last week and I put it into a holster...I think it was for a J frame. It fit perfectly...it was a Kydex paddle.
Just a cheap holster but still gives you alot of options....if I remember correctly :D
Shoot well

Chief Jones

New member
Doug, form everything I've read, you've bought one heck of nice revolver. Are you going to use it for CCW, or what?


New member
so what size holster will fit?

a model 85 holster? a 605?

namely im getting a Don Hume IWB holster and would like to know so i can order it



New member
I predict you'll like the 650.......

especially the trigger! I own a mod 85 and just bought a 605 in SS. The first thing I did was put boot grips from the mod 85 onto the mod 605 to make it much smaller. It shoots with those grips very comfortably and control is good. I tried the triggers on the new 650 and 850 CIA's and I think they're one of the best out-of-the-box triggers I have ever experienced. Don't know what they did but I'm impressed. By the way, I am also very pleased with the fit/finish of both of my Taurus revolvers....first rate.