Taurus 945 owners, step inside please.


New member
I'm looking at a stainless steel Taurus 945. It is used. The owner claims he shot it once and threw it in a drawer.

It is a very nice looking pistol. Well balanced and points nicely. The fit and finish seem fine.

Educate me on this Taurus model please. Is it durable, reliable and accurate?

How long have you had yours, and how many rounds through it? Thanks! Regards 18DAI.

Oh, if you don't own one of these 945's and just want to bash Taurus, please go start your own thread.


New member
I owned one for years. It is durable, but I got rid of it because it was the only pistol I ever owned that I could not shoot accurately. The PT945 has a 4.25" barrel and I could barely keep it on the paper. Maybe just my pistol? Aside from that it has a great design. Commander size, can be cocked & locked or hammer down with one in the pipe. Light frame, but not bad re-coil.

Again, it was a very reliable semi.....poor accuracy was my only complaint.


New member
I like that model too but I don't own one.

It appears to have the PT92 style design which is a good design.

I'd also like to hear about it.



New member
Leejack said:
It appears to have the PT92 style design which is a good design.

It is a mixture of a PT92 and some from Sig designs. It has a tilt barrel locked breech like Sig, and the take down safety, etc. seem to be directly from the PT92.

That's not a bad mixture. Light weight, Commander size, manual (1911 style) thumb safety, de-cocker, firing pin block, etc. And mine held it's own for reliability with any of my other semi's....like Colt, XD, Glock and Ruger. Actually I think the PT945 has one of the best external extractors in the business. Now If I could have just hit the target with mine it would still be in my collection.:)


New member

Hello, I have PT945SS. I've owned for over a year now and I love it. I carry concealed, in my truck and it sits in my headboard of my bed. I've run maybe 1000 rounds through it. I load my own and I load them light and the recoil is minimum. I had a buddy of mine meet me at the range one saturday. Another friend had his Kimber pro carry. We all shot better groups at 15 yards with my taurus than that kimber. I used to bash taurus guns too, but not anymore. I'm thinking of adding to my list the new PT809SSC. A very cool gun.

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New member
I had a 945. It was accurate and never had any function failures. It could have been a great gun, but it had three problems.

1. It bit my hand badly.

2. The magazines are a very thin metal that feels flimsy and is hard on whichever finger you are using to load them.

3. I found the grip poor. It isn't that it is too big, but the two flat plastic panels that came on my example made a natural or comfortable aim impossible. I never tried taurus' bigger wooden grips. Those might have solved this last issue.