Taurus 905 9mm

Bill DeShivs

New member
Just ran across a great deal on a Taurus 9mm revolver. I believe it is a 905 model. The gun will headspace on the 9mm rim, but without moon clips does not extract. Where would one find the appropriate clips?


New member
You can buy the crappy Taurus "Stellar" clips from Taurus for a lot less than $60 for 10 or you can use S&W 940 moonclips though you may need to do a bit of fitting around the center. They're about $1.35ea from S&W and very rugged, I use them in one of my guns and have never had a problem with bending or the rounds falling out (common problems with the Taurus factory clips).


New member
I would try tk customs moon clips (they were not out when i had mine), the stellar clips were one of the reasons I sold my 905, they sucked so bad and I always lost rounds out of the moon clip in my pocket. I do not believe the S&W clips fit the gun with out some work on them. Keep us informed which ones you get and how they work. It sure is a snappy gun.

Bart Noir

New member
Bill, best of luck getting a gun that makes you happy. We all have 'special' ones that we want for a long time, and when we get one, yahoooo!

I may be wrong here, but I think there was an earlier Taurus 9mm spin-gun that had a frame and cylinder that were only just long enough for the cartridge. Result, small gun. I just didn't have the bucks when I saw one at a gun show several years back, dang-it.

The current ones have the cyclinder long enough for .38 Special, I think. Result, more gun than you need for 9mm.

And the 9mm will not headspace on the rim without the clips. It will headspace on the mouth of the case, just like it does in the auto-loaders. Which means you can shoot them all day that way, if you have a bit of dowel to poke out the cases, for those that don't just pull out with your fingernails.

In my S&W 940 any cases from +P rounds will not easily eject. I need to use a mallet. But in my Ruger 9mm six-gun (the version that uses clips) the +P can be pulled out by the fingernail, usually. I don't know what the Taurus will be like.

Bart Noir

Bill DeShivs

New member
Yes, this is the later version with the long cylinder. I wish I could find one of the older models.
I'm just going to put it in the layaway, it's only $200. Gun is tight, action is great.