Taurus 444 Ultralite .44 or Taurus Tracker .44

Ultralite 444 or Tracker?

  • Taurus Ultralite 444

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Taurus Tracker

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters


New member
I am trying to decide between these two revolvers. I have shot neither of them, but I am feeling the need to procure a revolver to match my levergun (Win '94 Trapper). None of the local ranges have one for me to try either, which totally sucks, but I am sure that an educated decision shall weigh out.

What do you guys think? I am steering towards the Ultralite for weight purposes, the extra round (5 vs 6) and the Raging Bull frame (sick!) but I am not sure how it acts in the hand vs. the Tracker.

Any help is appreciated!


New member
i have the model 44 in 44mag and i like it alot, it is a 4" blue. ported with rubber grips. more comfortable to shoot than my 7 1/2" redhawk and easier to carry so it is with me more often. i know they are not the same models but for whatever it is worth to you i like mine and want to buy 44 mag 8" raging bull for use with a scope.


New member
I don't have experiance with either of the 2 guns, but I have a .44 Raging Bull :cool: the only thing I don't like about it is the weight, so IMO the new 444 ultralight is the perfect revolver :)


New member
I don't have a .44 but do have a 627 Tracker .357 4"...
The Trackers and the Raging Bulls have a really good service record from what i have read...
Not to sure on the 444 yet....

Here is a link to use

Type in the search - [444]
quite a bit of info
Also while you are there do a search on [Raging Bull] and [Tracker]

might really help in your choices...:D

Good luck;)


New member
The 2 revolvers are best used for different purposes. If you want to Carry and shoot just a little - get the ultralight.

If you want to shoot and enjoy the gun - get the tracker. From your post I would recommend the Tracker. I have the tracker and can recommend it.