Taurus 24/7 or S&W Sigma


New member
hello, im looking for a semi auto in .40S&W ive narrowed it down to these two choices. either the taurus 24/7 or the Smith and wession Sigma serise. im some what on a budget but want somethign to take to the range and shoot for fun. and something to keep in the night stand just in case. ive never owned a semi auto pistol (have 2 revolvers). the glocks dont really do it for me i find them uncomfortable. im just looking for some advice from some of the expirienced shooters out there.
thanks for your time.


Out of your two picks, I recommend the Taurus 24/7. I prefer the manual safety of the Taurus. Many do not, but if you don't like it, you don't have to use it. Also, the grip feels much better IMO.

I have been more than pleased with my two Taurus'...PT92 and PT111.

They have both been flawless after about 800 and 600 rounds, respectively, and I would trust my life to either one of them.

By the way, the 24/7 won NRA's handgun of the year for 2005. That says something...:cool:

Qwiks draw

How about going over to the www.unitedforums.com and checking out the Taurus forum? Browse recent threads and search for the older ones. The Sigma started out as a Glock like trigger pistol. Glock sued S&W over copyrights on the Glock trigger and S&W revamped the Sigma line to meet the judgment requirements. That meant a very stiff trigger pull in the 14 to 18 pound let off category. This may have been revamped yet again, but do not know of that at this time. Taurus triggers are Glock like with out the infringements. A different type of trigger mechanism was used to make the trigger pull lighter than traditional DA or DAO. Taurus has the restrike capability if the round doesn't go off the first time. Personally I would accomplish a tap the magazine to seat it, rack the slide and shoot drill rather than trying to get a dud round to go off. Could be that Sigma triggers have improved. Other posters will probably check in on this. Own a Taurus PT111 Mil/pro and have had very good service from it. Triggers on the PT111 Mil/pro and the 24/7 are the same. They take some getting used to,but are light and functional. Good luck on your choice. Try both models out. Both would give good service.


New member
I would have to say that the taurus is the lesser of two evils. Can I ask why you narrowed it down to those two? Look around a little more maybe check out a Springfield Xd or a ruger. I know a few people that have shot both and don't like the trigger on ethier. Personally, I feel that the trigger pull is 90% of shooting because the trigger finger is the only thing supposed to move. While I will not say that the two guns that we are the worst guns ever made and no one should buy them, I will say make sure you dry fire them and check out other things. Just my 2 cents.

Te Anau

New member
I would have to say that the taurus is the lesser of two evils
Both are nice guns.I love my SW9VE,but the 24/7 is nice as well.Either would be a good choice and better than a Glock.


New member
Everybody that I know who had a sigma didn't like it. The one guy I know who has a 24/7 says it is ok for self defense, but not much else.


New member
if it is an E model sigma then it should be ok, the E stands for "enhanced" which just means it is a revised model that really is a pretty good pistol.

The taurus has a pretty good rep as a reliable inexpensive pistol

If you are limiting the search to these two on budget constraints, please consider some of the use police trade ins that floating around. These too can be had for about 350 or less.

Post some more on what led you to these choices and we would be more than willing to provide any assistance we can.


New member
i am on a budget as i stated above. i like the look of a stainless slide. i dont like the feel of glocks and dont really care to shoot them either so with those aside. i was semi interested in the Springfield XD. but i am a college student with lack of $. so id like to find something around 400 max. where i live i dont see many used handguns. and if they are they are high doller Sigs and so forth. i have heard that the taurus 24/7 was a good gun for the price. and feels awesome in my hands. and has features like manual saftey ect that kind of turned me onto it. now talking about police trade ins? where would i go about finding one? as what makes and models are we talking about?


New member
A new Sigma comes with two magazines, the Taurus only one. I've heard horror stories about Taurus customer service, and the one time I called them to ask about buying a part the chick answering the phone was brusque almost to the point of rudeness. The times I've spoken to or emailed Smith & Wesson customer service I always received quick, polite responses. I've owned the Smith Sigma GVE and liked it, sold it only because I needed some cash. It wasn't as nice as my Sig or CZ or XD, but it was a reasonably cool piece regardless.


New member
Easy questions. The Taurus 24/7 of course. I don't think the sigma line come close at all. I've heard more horror story on the sigma than the 24/7. Then again, everyone has their own opinion. Put it this way, the taurus has a better resale value. Done deal.


New member
Was in your shoes

I had posted a similar question about a year ago. I was torn between both of these guns. The sigma won out in my decision but I don't think in this case that I could have made a bad one. It's my caary gun of choice and has been 100% reliable. The trigger does take some getting used to.


New member
I have the 40VE, and honestly, I love it. very accurate, even at more distant yardage. the trigger pull is stern, but not unbareable. Breakdown and cleaning are relatively easy. The gun, even loaded, is pretty light. I have not shot the 24/7 .40, but my father-in-law has the .45. In as much comparason as you can get between the calibers, I would take the VE over the 24/7 in a heartbeat.


New member
I have the 40VE, and honestly, I love it. very accurate, even at more distant yardage. the trigger pull is stern, but not unbareable. Breakdown and cleaning are relatively easy. The gun, even loaded, is pretty light. I have not shot the 24/7 .40, but my father-in-law has the .45. In as much comparason as you can get between the calibers, I would take the VE over the 24/7 in a heartbeat.


New member
the most important thing is that you get your hands on both and ses which one feels better to you, then compair there features and figure out which ones and more important to you. IMO the 24/7 is a much better gun and yes i own both so i have put countless rounds through them. the pros for me are the trigger pull and sa/da on the 24/7, its more comfortable then the smith, for me its more accurate at 25 yards then the smith and it holds more rounds, it also has the manual safety, easier to break down and clean. again these are all my opinions. make sure you pick the one you think is going to be right for you.


New member
Admittedly not knowing a thing about either, didn't the Sigma have a bad rap initially (years ago), but didn't S&W redesign the thing? Seems I've heard good comments about them, kind of like what gt_f said.


New member
If you're already familiar w/ revolvers...

Theres absolutely zero reason to not get the sigma. I listened to all the i-net BS re: the Sigma...If you do your part, it will do its'.


New member
I like my Sigma....

I can't say much about the Taurus 24/7 since I've never even held one but I do own a SW9VE that has been flawless in well over 1,000 rounds. I've used the S & W warranty on one of my other pistols and was very satisfied.
Trigger pull should be a little heavier on a pistol with no external safety. Double action revolvers also have a harder trigger pull with no safety. I don't want a carry gun with a light trigger to keep from accidently shooting myself or someone else.:eek:


New member
Although I have never fired a sigma, I have pulled the trigger. I can tell you my 24/7 pro has a much nicer trigger. I have 700 rounds through it and I swear it shoots amazing. I can shoot it much better then my XD.