Target Masters West


New member
I shot here for the first time on Tuesday. quick review

-Open til midnight
-lots of lanes.

-small lanes
-partitions don't go to the ceiling (I would have showered anyone to the right of me with brass)
-carriers were kind janky

the experience was a good one. I was kinda late at night when we arrived (9:30) I normally go to national, but they close at 10, so we went to target masters. the lanes are smaller and the partitions don't protect the people next to you from your hot brass. but the place seems pretyt professional and they care about saftey.
I'm not gonna complain about the place though because its a place to shoot a time. they are in miliptas, ca.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
What's the cost and what's the address (so I can download a map from Yahoo)? More importantly, police discount (OK, please don't shout corrupt) & can we slap leather?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt


New member
4v50Gary - Yes, there is a police discount and while "slapping leather" isn't allowed for non-LE, utilizing a holster is allowed for LE in some circumstances. I believe if they aren't busy and the lanes aren't too croweded (actually there are two separate bays) they'll put you in a separate bay and lower the counter tops of the bays and allow you to do some holster work and rapid fire. I've shot there numerous times with a LE friend and once they learned he was LE they offered this opportunity to him. They're located on Minnis circle in Milpitas, a stone's throw from the police station. EricO