Target Guy!. or, Without a Doubt I am a Complete Fool!


New member
Ok, I am well known for my odd behavior. Heck, it even gets me arrested.

But I DO enjoy a little fun now and then.

So in my spare time, I take these people shooting. When I can't take them shooting, I still give them something to "shoot" at.

Hence: Target Guy! Putting the VOLUME in VOLUNTEER!

I like to think it gives me the view from the other side. The target's eye view!

Here's a link:

Now, I may be wearing targets, but please don't try to drill me with GUNS! I have to be able to live through this so I can do it again! That's presuming you actually make it to one of our ridiculous events.

So answer me these questions three:

1. Could I convince any of YOU to do that?

2. Since you won't, would you be willing to wing stuff at Target Guy? I'm told it's outrageous fun.

3. Whadaya think? Do I qualify as a complete loon or what?

Impressions, opinions, and accusations of insanity are welcome, but take this as an answer to my loudly stated anti-social tendencies.

;) :cool: :D :D :eek: :D :D :cool: ;)

Edited to pull links. Musn't feed the sharks.


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    target guy!.jpg
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New member
Oh, I forgot to mention, there's no money involved in this at all, anywhere. It's all for fun.

I'm so civic-minded sometimes, it's amazing.


El Rojo

New member
I don't get it. So far I see a lot of references to alcohol and I am failing to see the correlation between alcohol and responsible firearms safety.


New member

It's an anti-mainstream media project. Guns are vilified by the ordinary media, so we present an alternate view, that guns can be used for fun by regular folks. We don't drink and shoot, (Though lots of folks DO) we ain't that stupid.

Beer time is when we're DONE, and cleaning up.

The name DOES NOT reflect all we do. It's just the parties are the most sensational, therefore they get a lot of mileage.

Drunken Style isn't really about alcohol. It's a MARTIAL ARTS STYLE, for crying out loud. A little wandering around on the sight would show that, but I didn't link to it because I didn't figure TFL would be overly interested, or narrow-minded enough to require it. We are about having FUN, and producing silly videos.

Look at the mission statement on the home page. It makes it very clear.

In a more immediate sense, I offer this:

What is Drunken Style?

Thanks go to: The Kung Fu Source for this informtion.

Drunken Style Kung Fu

Drunken Style is a general term. There are many forms of Drunken Kung Fu, such as Drunken Monkey of Monkey form and Eight Immortals.

The principle concept behind Drunken Kung Fu, is to move as if one were half drunk. Probably the most famous style is named as Eight Immortals. It refers to the ancient Chinese concept of eight immortals. Legends tell of how they were invited to an undersea kingdom to a banquet, but all of them became drunk and rowdy. All the kingdoms guards attacked, their opponents seemingly drunk, but the immortals created an impromptu style on the spot and defeated the guardsmen. It is supposedly this style which is taught to people now. Although there are numerous variations on Drunken Techniques, some of the more famous ones are fusions such as Five Drunken Animals based upon the Five Animals techniques, and some of the drunken weapon techniques, such as Drunken Staff.


The secret behind Drunken style kung fu is the sudden release of power from awkward positions. The footwork enables the exponent to totter, sway and fall without harm, confusing his opponent, rising up on the soles of his toes then dropping down to crouched positions. A common hand-form is the Cup-Form hand. I am not sure if this translation is strictly correct, although it is used as a hand-form which represents the holding of a small Chinese rice-wine cup or a jug. Even while falling the exponent will strike quickly, feint then counter-attack, or side-roll to safety.


Think of Jackie Chan and the movie "The Legend Of Drunken Master".

I put this up because it's SILLY. Fun is best enjoyed in the company of friends, and I consider this place to be loaded with friends.

You will notice the LACK of pop-up advertising associated with DSP. We DO NOT sell any advertising space.

Like I stated in the "Oh yeah" afterword, it ain't about MONEY.

It's about fun.

Taking 15 NON-shooters shooting, people who've never handled a gun before, without so much as an accidental discharge?

That does not sound all that irresponsible to me, but I suppose that other people might look at it that way.

Forgive me, I supposed making more gun people was a good thing, regardless of HOW I did it, so long as it wasn't criminal.


I expect I shouldn't be surprised that the outside world is such a cold and indifferent place.

So much for spreading around a few smiles at MY expense voluntarily. Once again I am reminded why I really cannot STAND people.

But please don't think my personal issues reflect on who you really are. I'm just reminded that getting to know people better generally doesn't pay, with the usual disclaimer that generalities don't apply to individuals.

Geez, I never thought I'd find myself getting defensive about it.:(

Paul K

New member
Hey man, thats pretty cool. Im glad you took 15 non shooters shooting. I dont drink (im only 16 eh?) but i like guns alot.
Im interested in the drunken style, do you know where i can learn more about it?


New member
So you go to raves wearing targets and let people throw water balloons and other non-lethal objects at you under the guise of "target guy"?

It's a novel aproach I suppose... I guess things are done differently in the PRK, eh? :D



Moderator Emeritus

Compared to some of the stuff I saw back in my club kid days, Target Guy is flat friggin' normal. ;)

El Rojo

New member
Thanks Hand Rifle Guy for the explination. I looked around your website and I couldn't really tell offhand what you were trying to acomplish. You were so vague in the post above I didn't know what to think. The Drunken Style makes sense now, but on first thought I thought you style of shooting was druken! Sorry I couldn't resist. Now it is all clear. As I stated before I didn't get it. Now I do. No offense taken from me and I hope you didn't take offense from my questioning (even though it appears you understandbly did). Taking new people shooting is always an excellent idea. Especially younger people who might tend to follow the liberal ways of gun control. As long as you teach them the safe and responsible shooting sports, you will always get my approval.


New member
Thank You for your understanding!

Relief fills my soul in overflowing waves.:D

Now, we do a few alcohol-related activities, but they are not the FUNDAMENTAL reason for our existence. And we don't mix guns and alcohol, just guns and ammo. Good times with an altternate slant is more like it. Good times encompasses a lot. Heavy on the alternate slant.

The parties are not raves, particularly, but that's probably semantics.

Point of interest: We're not really politically motivated, but I put the Ashcroft petitiion out and collected some 75 signatures, at a party attended by 150 people or so. We're pretty small scale.

And oh yes, we definitely do it differently. That's basically the point. But I don't think it's a reflection of the PRK, as we are pretty strongly anti-liberal. As a reflection on me, well, different is an understatement.

As regards my tirade, it's probably a reaction to the first even vaguely negative response I've experienced. Try not to take it personally. Everyone else that's bothered to tell me anything has mostly been ROTFL.

That was the general idea, after all.

If you're more interested in Drunken Style Productions, I would say wander around on the website. If you're interested in Drunken Style Kung Fu, I can only suggest plugging it into a search engine. It's not my field of expertise, and I am an afiliate, not the founders of this thing.

So, no offense taken, with explanations. I forgive quickly. Apoligies all round for soapboxing.

Enjoy it for what it is: Silly fun. It must be silly. No-one in their right mind would do such a thing.

I LIVE for silly. It's the best thing going.

;) :D ;)


New member
[pic deleted by sensop]

You sooooo came to the wrong place. But that's cool dude, you'll learn dude. Prepare yourself target dude, you're about to get shelled.
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New member
BTW, is that a P14 Enfield ? I wouldn't be spilling beer on that rifle if it is. Especially Coors Light :barf:.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
That's not Coors Light. AND a pic of a shooting bench with ammo, weapons and some empty beer cans just doesn't give the impression of exercising RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERSHIP and range behavior. No matter the disclaimers in text, the images are really, really good anti fodder. Bad impression. Not our style here.

Hand_Rifle_Guy, don't tempt fate.


Please check your Private Messages.

- sensop
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New member
Clean miss.

That picture was at the end of the day when we were cleaning up. We specifically broke out the beer when we were DONE, celebration-style, and running out of light. Someone had to run down to the bottom of the hill to get it, as it failed to make it up with targets and ammo. Stuff was getting packed, mags unloaded, trash picked up, etc.

Yup. U.S Enfield, factory re-furbished in as-new condition. And it's STILL in as-new condition. Along with a Winchester M12, a Monkey-Wards "Herculese" single-shot, a .44 mag Mountain Gun, and a Colt New Service 1917 .45 ACP. In the foreground is a .50 A.E., for the Automag V.

Took a good HOUR to clean up all crunched targets, spent brass, empty shot-shells, and to pack everything back down the hill. Left the place cleaner then when we found it.

As for Coors Light, well, I didn't actually drink ANYTHING that day, as I was supervising, and I was way to busy to drink any beer. Besides, I have better taste in beer than that, no offense to you folks who like it. Read the caption. We ain't dumb. Silly, yes. But it's not the same thing. Nobody had any interest in getting hurt, and we had no trouble.

And Target Guy is NOWHERE to be seen on range day. I do like living, after all.


New member
Like El Rojo said, I didn't get it at first. I still am not sure I really get it now. Since you have managed to confuse so many people, perhaps the format you have chosen is not the best to convey your message? I admit I still have mixed feelings about the whole presentation. Perhaps I just aged into a "square."


New member
To all concerned:

Changes are in process.

Confusing is as confusing does.

Feeding the Enemy was the furthest from my intentions.

Suffice it to say, entertainment is in the eye of the beholder. Up until now, positive response had been universal.

Independent media has it's place, but perhaps it's not "where God and everyone can see it" to quote A.J Foyt.

Rats to the VPC anyway. The snots.


Moderator Emeritus
I thought it was funny...

...but then again, I laugh uncontrollably whenever I see a sign that says "slow children at play".

El Rojo

New member
Tamara a moderator? Sorry this is off topic, I just noticed it said Moderator as I was about to whole heartidly agree that "slow children at play" are some of my favorite signs too. I personally avoid the slow children, it doesn't offer as much challenge.

Hey HR Guy, you do what you want. I don't want you to change your website because of us not understanding. I doubt anyone other than people who are intersted are even going to run into your site. Just realize we all take shooting very seriously (as I know you do) and when trying to influence others outside of our shooting circles, we want to portray the best view as possible. Go out and do what you want. It is a free country. Just be safe and keep in mind you are representing us all when you do. I am going to do my best to represent you too. Good shooting.


New member
Well, we changed it anyway, because the points raised were legitimate.

Musn't feed the sharks, after all.

But I pulled the links, so it's neccessary to make a real effort to find all the stuff from this sight.

That oughta do fer now.

Now that it's fixed, I may put them back up, but at this point I doubt it.

This is perhaps the wrong environment to present such ground-braking anti-establishment independent media.

Guwnowners must be perceived as Ceaser's wife: Above Reproach.

This is to maintain a solid grip upon that slippery animal, the Moral High Ground.

Nuts to the VPC and the Alliance For Justice. I hope their refridgerators quit overnight, and all their ice cream melts.:p