Taps & the Digital Age...


New member

Not sure how to feel about this one...


New member
I don't think they have much choice, given the number of veterans that are dying each day. It's better than just doing away with the honor guard for vets.


New member
I attended the funeral of an Old Marine last week.

"Taps" was recorded. It did not diminish the occasion. (One of the 3 retired gunnies in dress blues with a chestful of ribbons was heard to ask the other two "who played Taps?" He was told it must have been recorded. They agreed it sounded fine.)

I have been to several military funerals in the last couple years and it would be hard to find a bugler in our small area that can be available for all occasions.

I'm not so sure the idea of a bugle with a concealed tape playback isn't a little too phoney, though.