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Tapatalk app for IPhone


New member
Does anyone here use the Tapatalk app to browse the forums? I have been using it for my IPhone for a couple of years now with great success until about a month ago. Now I doesn't seem to want to update and display new posts here at the Firing Line. So far this seems to be the only forum I'm having the problem with. Perhaps the moderators know if something has changed here at the forums.


New member
I've been having the same problem for about the past few weeks. Today I tried removing it from Tapatalk and re-adding but now I can't log in. I know I'm using the correct credentials.

edit: I'm getting an error "Log in Failed The operation couldn't be completed. (tapatalk error 2203)"

Must not like us folks named Todd. ;)


New member
Just went to try and login and got this message before I could.

System Message
Package file version doesn't match with the installed version, please goto your forum's AdminCP->Plugin&Products-> Manage Products to upgrade by importing the latest installation xml

After I click OK and then go to sign in page and before I can enter my credentials I get:
Access Denied
This forum is currently not available please try again later.

I then tried removing it from Tapatalk and re-adding it again and get the same results.


New member
Problems started today?

It came up today on iPhone that the file version did not match and to contact admin control panel. There was what looked like a newer version of TapaTalk popes up on web version so I downloaded it also. That version shows nothing. The older version shows topics, but will not display any posts. PLEASE HELP :(
"Package file version doesn't match with the installed version, please goto your forum's AdminCP->Plugin&Products-> Manage Products to upgrade by importing the latest installation xml"

Exact same thing I'm getting right now.


New member
I had the same problem. I cleared the Tapatalk cache--that seems to have fixed the problem... for now.

Boz Mon

New member
I hate to bump this thread but probably once a week or once every other week I have to clear the cache on tapatalk for the unread threads to load.


New member
I hate to bump this thread but probably once a week or once every other week I have to clear the cache on tapatalk for the unread threads to load.

I've never had that problem and its works perfect on iPhone. I don't believe I've ever cleared the cache.
The app is great and have actually quit visiting a forum except rarely that dropped it.
Check your settings or something

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
This is an app (or mobile OS) issue, not a forum issue.

I suggest that iOS users download and use PhoneClean. Android, I have no idea.

Typically, deleting and reinstalling the app with fix issues on all devices.

All users with continued problems should contact TapaTalk support.