Tangos in Paradise


New member
Why do I get a sick feeling when I think, if they caught this guy, who did they miss...


U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft announced Monday the capture of a "known terrorist" with connections to al Qaeda who allegedly planned to build and explode a radioactive "dirty bomb" in the United States.

The man, whom Ashcroft said was an al Qaeda operative, was captured May 8 as he flew into Chicago's O'Hare International Airport from Pakistan. Ashcroft said the suspect was being transferred from Justice Department custody to the Defense Department after officials determined he was an "enemy combatant" who posed a serious and continuing threat to U.S. citizens.

and when I see this...


The smallpox epidemic is rapidly spreading in these parts of the province (Swabi, Pakistan), but the district health department has failed to take any step to contain this deadly disease, Dawn learnt here on Saturday.

It has been reported from different parts of the Swabi district that a large number of children have suffered from smallpox, but the authorities concerned have failed to take any action to prevent this disease or immunize the people against it.

Restock that pantry, ASAP...