Tampa, Charlotte wanting to ban concealed carry during conventions.

Here we go again.... :rolleyes:


The Tampa City Council is wanting the mayor to ban concealed weapons during the Republican Convention, under the theory that protesters carrying concealed weapons pose a risk to public safety. Charlotte officials have all but given up on the idea, stating that state law has essentially tied their hands.

Meanwhile, the ACLU is all over the issue of protesters at the conventions -- but only opposing plans to limit the time and location of protests.

Pardon me if I'm wrong, but haven't political conventions -- and protests -- been held in locations where concealed carry was legal, without blood running in the streets? :confused:
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Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Some have been held in areas that are banned and blood as flowed in the streets.

It's very simple. If an assembly is unseemingly in the minds of the power structure, they may use the force of the state to disperse it. The manor of dispersion may be unacceptable violent to the protesters.

If that is the case, the authorities do not want a reservoir of force to be in the hands of those who may be lawfully assembling.

Sounds a touch nutty but recall politicians of both parties have at times been worried and wanted gun bans around them. The point that a killer will break the law escapes them.


New member
Actually the Tampa city council is asking Gov. Scott for an Executive Order temporarily banning concealed carry in what I would assume to be the general area of the convention. Preemption doesn't allow them to pass an ordinance per the recently strengthened 730.22. I'm not sure how an EO would fly considering the legislature was very specific in naming exceptions to preemption and "the governor saying so" isn't one of them.

That said, Scott's not in a very good political way these days, I don't think he'd really want to PO gun owners.



Florida; GOP events, Pittsburgh G-20 Summit...

I HIGHLY doubt that Florida's Gov Scott(a US Navy veteran who got an A rating from the NRA) would go to any huge extremes with gun owners or W/concealed license holders.
The local, state & federal LE agencies will have major concerns with personal security in the Tampa area and central Florida but gun bans wouldn't work.
Tampa has many NFL Super Bowls(the last in 2009) w/o incident. Orlando just hosted the big 2012 NBA All-Star Week that had 0 incidents too.
The current amped-up hype & media driven fury over the Zimmerman/Martin case should cool down by the end of the summer. The "concealed carry" scare tactics by these Tampa or county wags would only hurt Gov Scott in his upcoming re-election efforts. In Pittsburgh PA, the police & homeland security groups had a fairly tight grip on the city streets & urban areas for the G-20 Summit. My good friend told me streets were blocked off & armed SWAT cops checked people out in some selected areas. It was a big headache.

For updates or changes, keep an eye on; www.Mylicensesite.com . ;)



New member
Some have been held in areas that are banned and blood as flowed in the streets. Posted from above..

One place for protestors was Chicago in the 60s.. wasnt it called "beat the press"??
Some have been held in areas that are banned and blood as flowed in the streets.
The Colfax massacre springs to mind as one tragic example, both in the event and in the lack of legal recourse following it.


New member
The Colfax massacre springs to mind as one tragic example, both in the event and in the lack of legal recourse following it.
A terrible event but one which does not support the point. It did not involve a convention or similar event. Both sides sported an armed militia, though most of the dead were killed during their surrender.